avatarAndrea Feccomandi


The author recounts a thrilling experience of resigning from their first job due to lack of respect and prior notice about job retention, ultimately leading to a change in company policy.


The author shares a personal story of their first job experience, where they were not informed about the renewal of their contract until the last week. Feeling disrespected, the author decides to resign and takes control of their destiny, rejecting the culture of intimidation. The author's bold move results in a change in company policy regarding informing employees about contract renewals.


  • The author believes in taking control of one's destiny and standing up against disrespectful company policies.
  • The author feels that employees have the right to receive prior notice about retaining their job.
  • The author's actions led to a positive change in company policy, emphasizing the importance of employee rights and respect.

Your Future, Your Choice: Don’t Surrender The Steering Wheel

It’s scary, but nothing makes you feel more alive.

Image generated by the author

I recall it as one of the most thrilling days of my life.

I was young at that time, and it was my first job.

That company typically offered a two-year contract to newcomers. However, until a few days before the contract expiration, they wouldn’t disclose whether it would be renewed.

With precisely one week left until my contract’s end, I requested a meeting with my supervisor.

It was a sunny spring morning, and his office, encased in glass walls, was flooded with light.

He ushered me to a seat and inquired, “You’re afraid, aren’t you?

I smiled at him and replied highly calmly, “No. Because I’m resigning.”

His complexion paled, and the arrogance on his face vanished, replaced by fear.


I don’t want to work for a company that doesn’t respect its employees. I’ve just purchased a house and am paying a mortgage. I have the right to receive prior notice about retaining my job.

“We had already decided to keep you.”

“Then you could have informed me.”

When I returned to my desk, I felt strong and proud.

Of course, I was scared; that company held prestige.

However, I had taken control of my destiny and rejected that culture of intimidation.

From what my former colleagues told me, that manager faced problems with how he had handled my dismissal.

And from that day on, people were informed well in advance regarding the renewal of their contracts.

I’m Andrea from Bologna, Italy. I write about life, beauty, empathy, and lessons learned. To see my stories pop up on your feed, I’d love for you to follow me (Andrea Feccomandi). And, to have stories sent directly to you, subscribe to The Warm Lasagna, my weekly newsletter.

Life Lessons
Toxic Workplaces
Mindfulness At Work
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