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Your Disability Doesn’t Prevent You From Achieving Greatness. Get Out There And Pursue Your Talents!

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

Oh no! Not this! Anything but this! Why? Why? Why won’t my children talk? Why do they have autism? They didn’t deserve this. My oldest is nearly five years old, and my youngest is almost three. Is this going to continue? Are they going to be able to do anything? Will they ever be able to talk or thrive? This is all too much.

Will they ever be able to achieve anything? There is so much trapping them in this wall of autism. They will not live like normal kids. There will be no achievements for them. There will be no moments of glory. They are going to remain locked in their little world.

I ended up being wrong.

In the last five years, my youngest son has shown to be a very good runner who can run a 5k race in under half an hour. My oldest son, Matthew, has made strides in art, and his work was recognized in the school district art showcase.

Not many can draw and have the ability to create like Matthew.

Not many people can run like Aidan.

They have talents that are as unique as themselves

In the last few years,w I have been more focused on what my kids can do than what they cannot do. This is primarily because so many focused on what a child or an adult with a disability is unable to do. The narrative needs to change.

Too many times, we think just because someone has a disability or some other kind of challenge that, they cannot do great things. That is not true. In many ways, they will surprise you. I know I have been surprised at all the achievements both of my boys have.

Kids and adults with a disability have to push themselves even more than their peers who don’t have physical or mental challenges. The resilience and the amount of courage that these individuals possess are nothing short of amazing. Their perseverance is something to see. It makes a parent like myself proud.

Granted, my two boys have challenges that most do not; however, I think of these two things.

Not many people can draw and have the ability to create like Matthew

Not many can run or have the ability to run like Aidan.

They have talents that are as unique as themselves

Too many times, we think just because someone has a disability or some other kind of challenge that, they cannot do great things. That is not true. In many ways, they will surprise you. I know I have been surprised at all the achievements both of my boys have.

With inclusion, we need to give those individuals with challenges every opportunity to see where their talent is and thrive in achievement. Their persistence is something to see.

Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism Acceptance
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