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Do You Urge to Smoke Cigarettes?

But Not Now Here Is the Solution-ayurveda

Photo by Irina Iriser on Unsplash

Cigarettes have been a part of the lives of many people. They can’t even imagine a day without cigarettes.

“Smoking is injurious to health” is written on every single packet of cigarettes…and everyone is aware of it but still can stop consuming it.

So, the main reason that you can’t stop having cigarettes is the tobacco addiction in it, which has nicotine, which is similar to poison. People get so addicted to it that they become resistant to small doses. The no of cigarettes per day goes on increasing as days pass.

According to WHO, there are 1 billion smokers around the world, and it kills about 7 million people every year. Cigarette smoke contains 400 toxins and 69 are known. According to Cancer Research UK, cigarettes cause 15 different types of cancer, and 7 in 10 lung cancers are due to it.

Thus, quitting cigarettes is worthwhile. However, quitting cigarettes can be very daunting.

The single most important factor for quitting smoking is their strong belief and determination. There is no quick fix..Do it when you decide that you want to do it.

The ancient Hindu traditional system says that the root cause of addiction is mental stress, which is caused by 3 Doshas, Vaata, Pitta, and Kapha imbalances. People should try to eliminate addiction through natural and holistic methods.

Here is how Ayurveda made it possible...

These are some techniques and remedies for quitting smoking.

  1. Dhooma varthi (herbal cigarette) / Dhooma panam - Excellent way to quit smoking by Ayurveda. Herbal cigarettes can get rid of the smoking habit without any side effects. The herbal cigarette reduces the Vata and kapha dosh due to cigarettes and clears the pathway of the nose, throat, and lungs that were damaged due to smoking. The herbal medicine contains neem, turmeric, bellidiium, saffron, cinnamon, guggul, ghee, Triphala, and much more content. This medicine not only reduces the urge to smoke but also repairs your lungs that are damaged due to smoking. Consult an Ayurvedic doctor for the dose and requirements of the herbal cigarette.
  2. Jal Neti kriya( yogic nasal cleaning). It is one of the popular ways to clear the air passage. The process is simple and can be done daily easily. You require a Neti pot and then pour normal saline water into it. Insert the tip of the pot in one nostril keeping the mouth open. The water will come out from the other nostril. Do it by both nostrils. For proper technique, consult the doctor.
  3. Chewing cinnamon -It is similar to nicotine gums.. which restrict tobacco addiction and clear the air pathway.
Photo by Tijana Drndarski on Unsplash
  1. Basil leaves — It reduce the ill effects of smoking and decreases the urge to smoke. Chew 2–3 leaves of it whenever you feel to smoke.
  2. Consume Triphala -Consume one tablespoon of Triphala before going to bed to eliminate the deposits of nicotine tars in the system.
  3. Consume copper water -Water stored in copper vessel detoxify your body and suppresses the urge of addiction.
  4. Veg diet - Have a vegetarian diet daily as it increases the sattvik nature in the body. This sattvic food contains life, which rejuvenates both body and mind.
Photo by Jennifer Schmidt on Unsplash
  1. Eating ajwain -It reduces the craving for nicotine.
  2. Reduce caffeine, sugar, and alcohol intake.
  3. Calamus- A well-known plant used to reduce tobacco cravings. Put a small quantity of its powder in ghee and consume it with lukewarm water.
  4. Pranayama — Perform the all pranayama..which clears the airway. The Bhastrika pranayama is the most important, which help to reduce the bad effects caused by cigarette.
  5. Keep yourself busy with work and other activities so you won’t crave cigarettes.
Photo by Patrick Malleret on Unsplashmed

13. Meditation- Meditating increases your willpower and determination and reduces stress, which ultimately helps you quit smoking.

So these are the magical Ayurvedic techniques and remedies that will give you the needed results.

You just need to take a step not only for yourself but also for our family. Just see the smiles on the faces of your family and children when you quit smoking. Just do it for that day when you will have control of your mind.

Your beautiful life is coming on the way; just take a step. I know you will do it.


If you enjoyed my story, you may also check out the perspectives of Dr Mehmet Yildiz, who provides comprehensive guidance from a different angle.

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