

You Never Ask Me What I Like

Do you even care?

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“You never ask me what I like,” she muttered, feeling like she was talking to a brick wall.

Those words summed up the frustration growing inside her — a mix of feeling ignored, overlooked and just plain invisible.

For Eliana, it was like shouting into the void every time she wanted to share something about herself.

Zac, her partner, always made decisions on his own, never really showing any interest in what she thought, what she liked or what she wanted.

It was as if her opinions were tossed aside like yesterday’s news, deemed unworthy of consideration in the grand scheme of things.

And it wasn’t just about preferences or likes; it was about feeling valued, respected and heard in their relationship.

Eliana craved those moments where they could make decisions together, where her voice mattered as much as his.

She craved those real conversations where you go beyond small talk and really connect. But instead, she got stuck listening to her partner drone on about his own stuff, barely acknowledging her existence.

Zac seemed to have a roadmap for their relationship, with no detours or pit stops for her input along the way.

Each time she tried to assert herself, to carve out a space for her thoughts and desires, she was met with resistance or indifference.

It was like he had blinders on, unable to see beyond his own perspective and his own needs.

He was selfish.

So, Eliana learned to keep her wants and needs tucked away, buried beneath layers of resignation and disappointment.

She smiled and nodded, playing the part of the agreeable partner, all the while feeling a hollow ache in the pit of her stomach.

As time went by, Eliana’s sense of self began to fade, overshadowed by the relentless drumbeat of neglect.

She wondered if Zac even knew her at all, if he could see beyond the facade she wore for his sake.

When she was alone, she’d imagine what it would be like to be truly seen, truly known and truly loved for all that she was.

All she craved was a simple, ‘What do you think, babe?’

But those thoughts felt like distant dreams, unreachable fantasies in a reality where she was little more than an afterthought.

Now, Zac had dropped a bombshell: a job overseas, a decision made without so much as a discussion with Eliana. It was the final straw, pushing her to the edge of her patience and resolve.

“You never ask me what I like,” she said, her voice trembling with a mix of hurt and anger. “And now you’re making major life decisions without even considering how they might affect me.”

Zac was taken aback by her sudden outburst. “I thought this opportunity was too good to pass up,” he stammered, trying to justify his actions.

“But what about us?” Eliana demanded, her eyes flashing with frustration. “What about our relationship? Don’t I deserve a say in this? You always think about yourself. Have you ever thought about me?’

As her words lingered, she realised that she had reached a breaking point. She couldn’t continue to be sidelined, ignored and disregarded in her own life.

She had spent too long burying her desires and sacrificing her needs for the sake of their relationship.

But Zac’s latest decision was the final straw, the wake-up call she needed to reclaim her voice and demand the respect she deserved.

Whether her partner chose to listen was up to him, but Eliana knew that she could no longer remain silent in the face of her own unhappiness.

Sometimes, the toughest pill to swallow is feeling utterly alone, even when you’re with someone you love.

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