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You May Worry About Getting Dementia

If and when you become elderly

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Many older people are active and still have keen minds.

It used to be that people thought elderly meant people who are in their eighties and beyond. Now you will hear people in their sixties being referred to as elderly. The normal retirement age in the United States has been sixty-five years old although some people have been trying to raise it.

When people pass the age of fifty, it is normal that more health problems can show up along with memory issues for some people. Getting to the ripe old age of the eighties and older is more common now, but many people do experience age related issues when they reach their seventies.

The desired goal is to stay healthy enough to be able to enjoy the later years, which could mean interactions with grandchildren.

Photo by Isaac Quesada on Unsplash

One of the main concerns people have as they age is that they might get dementia and suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. The cognitive decline which could come can leave people confused and can affect their quality of life.

Some people get dementia at an early age, but it is more common among the elderly.

People can give their brains more of what it needs to prevent thinking and memory problems. Physical and mental exercise along with good foods are effective ways to keep the body and mind healthy. Reducing stress and getting enough sleep are important. Having a social life with friends and family members helps.

If you worry about getting dementia, you may be able to avoid it by following the above suggestions. Keeping the body and mind active and engaged will help.

Thank you for reading.

Mental Health
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