avatarRobert Allen Fisher


The article "You Know You are a Dolt When…" outlines various behaviors and beliefs that the author associates with being a "dolt," particularly focusing on certain political stances and actions during the COVID-19 pandemic.


"You Know You are a Dolt When…" is a satirical piece that criticizes individuals who engage in what the author views as ignorant or harmful behaviors, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and American politics. The author defines a "dolt" as someone who refuses to wear a mask, supports former President Trump unconditionally, and holds right-wing views that are seen as detrimental to their own well-being and that of others. The article also takes aim at those who blindly follow conservative media, exhibit racism or xenophobia, and support authoritarian measures, suggesting that these individuals are contributing to the deterioration of civil discourse and societal health.


  • The author believes that refusing to wear a mask properly during a pandemic is a sign of foolishness.
  • Support for Donald Trump, regardless of his actions, is equated with a lack of critical thinking.
  • The article suggests that consistently voting for Republicans, despite evidence that it may harm one's own interests, is indicative of a doltish behavior.
  • Consuming conservative media, such as Fox News, and accepting its narratives without question is criticized.
  • The author expresses disdain for those who harbor hate towards "others," implying a critique of xenophobia and bigotry.
  • The piece ridicules the adoption of a "right-wing, fake Christian religion" as being part of a doltish identity.
  • It condemns the inability to engage in intelligent conversation with those who hold different views.
  • Expressions of white power are seen as a clear indication of being a dolt.
  • The belief that wearing a mask infringes on liberty is mocked as a misunderstanding of freedom.
  • Support for authoritarian actions, such as federal officers grabbing people off the street, is presented as unintelligent.
  • The article criticizes white nationalism and racism as doltish ideologies.
  • It points out the irony of attending Trump rallies and churches during a pandemic, potentially spreading COVID-19.

You Know You are a Dolt When…

From the Politico Cartoon Lineup

How do you know you are a Dolt?

You know you are a Dolt when you refuse to wear a mask.

You know you are a Dolt when you wear a mask to be able to enter a store, but you refuse to cover your nose.

You know you are a Dolt when you wear camo and carry a long gun in public.

You know you are a Dolt when you support Trump no matter what he does.

You know you are a Dolt when you when you keep electing Republicans who make your life worse.

You know you are a Dolt when you eat the red meat and drink the Kool-Aid Faux News serves you daily.

You know you are a Dolt when you hate the “others”.

You know you are a Dolt when you follow a right-wing, fake Christian religion.

You know you are a Dolt when you can’t have an intelligent conversation with anyone who thinks differently.

You know you are a Dolt when you scream “White Power.”

You know you are a Dolt when you think wearing a mask is a violation of your Liberty and Freedumb.

You know you are a Dolt when you support Trump sending federal officers into “libtard” cities to illegally grab people off the street.

You know you are a Dolt when you support authoritarianism.

You know you are a Dolt when you are a White Nationalist and racist.

You know you are a Dolt when you wear a MAGA hat and go to Trump rallies to catch the Covid virus.

You know you are a Dolt when you go to church to spread the Covid virus.

You know you are a Dolt when you blame Obama when your actions cause overloaded healthcare facilities.

You know you are a Dolt when you can’t think outside of your cultural box.

You know you are a Dolt when you vote Republican only because you have voted Republican all your life.

You know you are a Dolt when you when you vote Republican.

You know you are a Dolt when you support Republican voter suppression.

You know you are a Dolt when you think all of the above is good and right.

If you add items in your comments I will add then to this list.

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