You Know You are a Dolt When…
How do you know you are a Dolt?
You know you are a Dolt when you refuse to wear a mask.
You know you are a Dolt when you wear a mask to be able to enter a store, but you refuse to cover your nose.
You know you are a Dolt when you wear camo and carry a long gun in public.
You know you are a Dolt when you support Trump no matter what he does.
You know you are a Dolt when you when you keep electing Republicans who make your life worse.
You know you are a Dolt when you eat the red meat and drink the Kool-Aid Faux News serves you daily.
You know you are a Dolt when you hate the “others”.
You know you are a Dolt when you follow a right-wing, fake Christian religion.
You know you are a Dolt when you can’t have an intelligent conversation with anyone who thinks differently.
You know you are a Dolt when you scream “White Power.”
You know you are a Dolt when you think wearing a mask is a violation of your Liberty and Freedumb.
You know you are a Dolt when you support Trump sending federal officers into “libtard” cities to illegally grab people off the street.
You know you are a Dolt when you support authoritarianism.
You know you are a Dolt when you are a White Nationalist and racist.
You know you are a Dolt when you wear a MAGA hat and go to Trump rallies to catch the Covid virus.
You know you are a Dolt when you go to church to spread the Covid virus.
You know you are a Dolt when you blame Obama when your actions cause overloaded healthcare facilities.
You know you are a Dolt when you can’t think outside of your cultural box.
You know you are a Dolt when you vote Republican only because you have voted Republican all your life.
You know you are a Dolt when you when you vote Republican.
You know you are a Dolt when you support Republican voter suppression.
You know you are a Dolt when you think all of the above is good and right.
If you add items in your comments I will add then to this list.