You Know the Secret to Your Success
And now is the time…
At least 30 seconds reading this article means that I’ll get paid! So please, scroll down and engage, here and on every article.
This is a guide on how to succeed in life. And, I promise you, if you follow what I write, anything is yours for the taking.
There are so many articles out there, so many videos, proclaiming with a loud voice;
“I know the secret, follow me!”
The secret, of course, to success.
But they don’t know the secret.
I do.
Let me show you…
We all know the truth hurts
Anyone can be anything. I can be anything. You can be anything. Any of us at any time, any place, any age have the ability to read a few productivity articles, have a cold shower, and start on a path to success.
I mean you’ve got it in you. Right?
Maybe. But probably not.
Money Medium is full of ways and means to make money. Same with Mindset Medium; choc-a-bloc with both subtle and massive ways to change how you view yourself.
Be honest with yourself; do you really believe them? Are all of these methods really tried and true? Can you really create success with what they are telling you?
And here is the truth that hurts.
No. No you can’t.
They can. But you can’t.
Look, I know this isn’t pleasant. And if you are one of the few people who actually read Medium articles rather than those who just clap, scan and bounce, I understand if you feel a little offended.
Really I do.
When I stood in front of the mirror and spoke these words, I offended myself.
But, I was right. I can’t do what they do. I can’t sit and create compelling stories, insightful newsletters, and books, or groups with monthly subscriptions.
Can I really tell you the secret to success?
What they are not doing
“17 tips to hook your readers' attention”.
“How to have the courage to reach for success”.
“You deserve to get what you want in life”.
I mean, they sound all very well and good, don’t you think? After all, my dear reader, I wanted to hook you in. Why else would I spend my time writing this? And who wouldn’t want some more courage?
And yes. We all feel like we deserve to succeed. And we all need that reminder from time to time.
But then what do I do?
Well, I will jump to the next article.
“23 more ways to read about being amazing and feel good and feel like I’m going to succeed in life by hooking readers and being more courageful and patting myself on the back for being worth it!”
Sound familiar?
I daresay that many of us who follow “Entrepreneur”, “Money”, “Mindset” and other such positive tags are doing just this on a regular basis. And I’m not saying that reading is bad. I have gained quite a bit of knowledge from a number of articles.
But moving from one “Improve” article to the next, simply consuming without doing. Consuming in an unfocused manner, without a specific outcome in mind.
Now, to the question; Are they doing this?
By they, I mean those with a high subscriber count, with newsletters and a great many upsells that seem to be actually selling.
I don’t don’t think so. I get the impression that when they read, it is focused, with a specific goal in mind. Sure, in their downtime, they may idle through who knows what.
But when they read, they will read with purpose.
That’s because they already know the secret to success.
What they are doing
They are producing content. They are mapping out strategies. They are grabbing attention on Twitter. They are working.
Of course, I don’t know about their daily ins and outs. How could I?
But I do know one thing. They aren’t looking for that one, perfect article that will transform their lives. That will give them that one, tiny piece of the puzzle they needed before they could start to be successful.
And there are two reasons why they are not;
It doesn’t exist
Recently, I’ve been looking back at my life and I’ve realised only recently why I cannot do what they can do. I really can’t. It’s been rather emotional.
I have invested so much time searching for that one book, that single video, that great insight that would cause the planets to align and let me be the success that I always knew I was.
But it’s not real. It never was. And that’s why I can’t do what they can do. Because I have spent my time chasing phantoms.
Is this you?
If so, do you know the secret yet?
What they know that we don’t
Okay, so there must be a secret.
Something that they know but won’t tell us. Some wisdom is hidden, beyond the reach of the regular Medium writer, something that they would never reveal…
…well, sort of.
It is easy to find. There are more and more articles, videos, and Tweets telling you and me every day. So it’s out there, in plain sight. But there is only one thing wrong with plain sight…
…it hides things. That’s why this is sort of a secret.
It’s sort of a secret because, whilst it’s totally common sense, it’s why I can’t do what they do. It’s why you can’t do what they do. And, if we don’t start now, and I mean right now, we never will.
And that, there, is a clue to the secret of success.
Maybe I’ll have to tell you. Perhaps I’m being too vague and obtuse. Granted, you already know what this secret is. You may roll your eyes when I actually tell you, curse my name, and feel a smug sense of superiority because you already know.
To those people I say, cherrie-by and good riddance.
The world is too full of those who “know” that they are right.
But for those few brave, intrepid souls who don’t sink to that level of arrogance, I say to you this;
You know, but do you live it?
Because the successful ones do. They live it every day. And that’s why they are successful.
So, are you ready?
Your secret to success
How many moments in a day?
Well, there are 24 hours.
1,440 minutes.
86,400 seconds.
But those aren’t moments. Those are measures of time. What I’m talking about is something different.
There are an infinite number of moments in a day, but also just one. It seems like a contradiction. But is it? How can there be an infinite number of a thing but at the same time there is only one?
Because we can only ever experience one. Only the moment that we are in right now is the one that exists.
And that’s the secret. That there is only the present moment. Nothing more. No future and no past. Just right now. Understanding this logically isn't the hard part. Accepting it emotionally is important.
But, accepting this is a must if you want to be successful. In fact, accepting is a form of success in itself. But without accepting it, you’ll never be able to summon the focus to complete what you need to complete.
And so, you’ll never be successful.
This is the secret to success in every domain. Accepting that there is only now, and applying focus.
That’s it. It’s up to you if you feel let down by that.
But it is the truth.
And remember, you only have so many “nows”. They will come to an end.
And you can’t get them back.
So start now.
About me
- I will write for claps 👏
- I love to read your comments — keeps me mindful of my writing
- Always interested in reading new things, so let me know about your work
- Followers are in short supply (hint, hint)
- And, as always, I’m grateful for your time