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The article suggests that one does not have to commit to a single note-taking app indefinitely, as each app offers unique benefits that can cater to different needs or phases of a project or personal growth, and changing apps can even stimulate creativity.


The author emphasizes the flexibility in choosing note-taking applications, highlighting that each app has its own distinct 'personality' and can influence how one thinks and organizes information. Notion is characterized as organized, Obsidian as chaotic, Tana as maximalist, and Bear as minimalist. The article argues that it's acceptable to switch between apps like Notion, Obsidian, Tana, Evernote, and Bear, or even use multiple apps simultaneously, as the primary goal of note-taking is to facilitate thinking, creating, and personal growth, not to adhere to a single tool. The author points out that changing systems can be valuable in itself, providing a fresh perspective and potentially sparking creativity. The article also mentions the author's personal experience with a creative block and how revisiting Obsidian helped generate new ideas. Lastly, the author recommends Readwise as a consistent tool for aggregating highlights across various apps, ensuring that content is always accessible and providing a starting point for work.


  • Each note-taking app has a unique personality and can influence the user's thought process and organizational habits.
  • It's beneficial to remain flexible and open to using different note-taking apps as one's needs evolve.
  • The choice of app can change the way one processes and organizes information.
  • There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to note-taking apps; the best choice can vary depending on the project or personal preference.
  • Switching note-taking apps can lead to creative breakthroughs and is not a sign of indecisiveness or inconsistency.
  • Consistency in one's productivity system should allow for changes that better suit one's current situation or desires.
  • Using multiple note-taking apps can be advantageous, as each app can serve different purposes or aspects of a project.
  • Readwise is praised for its ability to integrate with various note-taking apps, providing a consistent repository of information and highlights.
  • The author values the ability to start with a fresh system or app as it can be a fertile ground for new ideas and perspectives.

You Don’t Have to Choose a Note-Taking App Forever

There’s value in changing your systems

Image created by the author

Choose a side.

That’s what it feels like to get into note-taking. You hear about all these wonderful apps, and you see that people have VERY STRONG opinions about them.

Until you listen to normal people and realise, everyone is as confused as you are about which system, and what app to use.

It’s true though, apps do make a difference

Taking notes with Notion is different from taking notes with Obsidian. It’s different from using Tana, and Evernote and Bear.

Each app has a distinct personality.

Notion is a neat-freak, obsessed with categorising everything. Obsidian is CHAOS personified. Tana is a maximalist librarian. Bear is a minimalist extremist.

And because of that, each app will bring you something different.

So yes, it does matter which app you do use. Because you’re going to think slightly differently in each one. And surely, some are more suited to you than others.

But it feels like people don’t say this enough…

You don’t have to choose one for the rest of your life

So Notion is more suited to you right now? Cool, start there. But you know you can also always use Obsidian for other projects, right?

You can switch in the middle of a project, even. Just because you get the hitch to do so.

There are no rules.

I rely pretty heavily on Notion, because I like the idea of being a neat-freak in some parts of my life. But, these days, I often come back to Obsidian.

I like how the graph system makes sense of my chaos, without me having to categorise it all.

Hell, sometimes, I even open Notes because I just need to keep a trace of something very quickly. Like the dimensions of my desk, or the lane I parked on.

No, you don’t lose anything by doing that.

Because the goal is NOT to take notes. The goal is to think, create and grow.


Sometimes, there’s value in changing your system for the sake of changing your system

Productivity gurus like to punch on people who change their minds all the time. They scream CONSISTENCY at the top of their lungs.

Something they forget to mention is that if you’re doing the productive stuff well enough, you’re going to grow. And with growth, comes change.

Consistency has to include changing your productive systems for something that suits you better.

And sometimes, changing just because you need a change of scenery. A new app, a new dashboard in Notion, a new way to record your thoughts…

I find that starting fresh is very fertile ground for breakthroughs.

I’ve been moaning about being uncreative for the past couple of weeks

If you’re a creative, you know how cranky we can get when no good ideas come to us. Netflix comfort shows, binging on cheap novels, and far too much early Easter chocolate. It’s not a pretty sight.

And just when I was starting to resign to the idea of being a failed creative, a friend of mine, out of the blue, started talking about Obsidian.

Asked me if I knew it.

“KNEW IT. Yes, I know it. I’m a Notion girl myself, but I’ve taken Obsidian for a couple of rides, it’s cool. Show me your graph and I’ll show you mine 😏”

And just like that… I remembered how much fun it was to play in the Obsidian graph. I started to do it again, just to prove myself I still had it.

And bam.

Ideas upon ideas flooding my brain.

Goes to show. Sometimes, what you really need is another app. Not because it’s better, but just because it’s going to make you think differently.

I found one way to be ‘consistent’ though

Through it all, there is one app I never ditch. Because it adapts to any system I want to throw at it. And that’s Readwise.

No matter the app I open, I know I’ll find my highlights. Because Readwise sends them for me to Notion, Readwise and Tana. Which not only acts as a backup in case of a catastrophic app failure. But also, never leaves me with a blank app.

There’s always content there I can start with.

⭐ More essays on living a more fulfilling creative life, on Pépites.

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