avatarLeonard Tillerman


The author reflects on the personal significance of their scars, transitioning from resentment to a celebration of survival and resilience.


The article "You Are More Than Just Your Scars" delves into the author's journey of acceptance and appreciation for their physical scars, each with its own story of overcoming adversity. Initially, the author grapples with the visibility of these scars, feeling self-conscious and attempting to hide them from the world. However, a recent battle with cancer leads to an epiphany: the scars are symbols of victories over death, not just physical marks but testimonies of the author's strength and will to live. The narrative shifts from one of concealment to one of pride, as the author acknowledges the unique tale each scar tells, representing personal battles and triumphs. The scars, whether visible or not, are seen as part of the individual's story, embodying resilience and the anticipation of brighter days ahead.


  • The author initially harbored a deep hatred for their scars, viewing them as disfiguring and something to be hidden.
  • There is a sense of isolation and self-consciousness as the author perceives others' reactions to their scars, feeling that their presence overshadows their identity.
  • The author's perspective shifts dramatically after a recent cancer battle, now seeing the scars as badges of honor and symbols of survival.
  • The scars are personified as narrators of the author's life story, each with a unique tale of overcoming hardship.
  • The author emphasizes that scars, whether physical or emotional, are integral to one's identity and should not be a source of shame.
  • There is an expressed belief that the journey through pain and healing has led to a deeper appreciation for life's simple pleasures.
  • The author encourages readers to embrace their scars as part of their narrative, standing proud in the face of past struggles and future possibilities.

You Are More Than Just Your Scars

But they do tell a tale

Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

I run the tips of my fingers across my torso and along the raised edges of my scar.

Numb to the touch. Nerves cut beyond repair.

There is a slight itch in the area, that tells me that rebirth could be possible. Patience is a virtue, so they say.

Slowly, my hand travels up to the side of my face. I trace the long jagged scar that awaits me. Looking at myself in the mirror, I see that it resembles the smile of a tragic clown.

Pitiful sadness behind the mask.

Finally, my roaming hand comes to rest on top of my head.

Again… numb to the touch.

Never fully healed from a devastating accident that occurred three long decades ago. Still seeping out bloody tears after all those years.

I notice that my thinning hair makes it more prominent than ever. So much more… ugly.

These are some of my main scars. Those that people can see, anyway.

They have been with me for a very long time now, and each has their own unique story to tell.

The head injury was obtained from a bike accident that split my skull open like a melon and crushed several vertebrae in my back and neck at the same time.

The facial scar is the result of removing the invasive skin cancer that had managed to catch a ride on my face. Cut out without mercy, but not failing to leave a painful reminder in its place.

Lastly, the huge scar along my torso is my most recent passenger. It arrived after I received surgery to remove the malevolent cancer that had once again invaded my body.

It is also the one that encouraged me to see my scars in a completely different light.

Until recently, I have harbored a deep hatred for my scars.

I resented them.

Always trying to cover them up the best I could to prevent them from being seen by others.

A pursuit that was doomed to fail.

When talking with people, their eyes would inevitably come to rest upon that which I had tried so very hard to conceal. Always accompanied by a knowing look on their face, and never looking me directly in the eye.

Perhaps I was imagining it all.

Maybe I have just been too vain.

My recent cancer battle has left me with an epiphany. A gift! A painful one, but a gift nonetheless.

Each one of these scars represents a battle I had with death.

I won all of those battles!

Why am I trying to conceal this? Instead, should I not be celebrating?

Joyful in the fact that I have faced the hardships of life and got back up again.

Fighting to live another day so I could watch the sun rise and the birds play.

Smelling the pungent pine of the forest and tasting the sweet mist upon my tongue.

Settling in for the night with my beloved wife and two small dogs. Safe and content in the comfort of my small abode.

Make no mistake, whether on the inside or out, our scars tell a tale about our lives. All of our stories are different and make us the unique people that we are today.

Never defined or constrained by our scars… but not ashamed of them either.

Instead, standing as symbols of resilience and the sheer will to survive so that we can embrace the brighter days ahead.

While not all scars are visible, they all tell a tale. One that is meticulously crafted just for you.

This is your story.

Stand proud.

Life Lessons
This Happened To Me
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