avatarCedric Johnson, PhD


You Are More Spiritual Than You Know

Photo by Olenka Kotyk on Unsplash

Do you know how much spiritual power you have on tap?

Are you aware of the unlimited creative potential of your soul?

Do you view yourself as a container for the creative force in the universe?

I once had a friend who owned a vintage Ferrari. He enticed me to ride with him on a packed Los Angeles freeway where the speed limit of 55mph acted like a third braking system.

The best I could do was to imagine myself at 100 mph on some racetrack.

I got a hint from the engine’s roar that this car had more power under the hood than I imagined.

Similarly, you may sense your spiritual potential when,

A creative or poetic impulse lands on a page from a place seemingly outside yourself. Tears stream down your face in the Presence of incredible beauty. Some chance event (synchronicity) signals a force operating on your behalf.

Here are a few instances where I’ve experienced the words of Saint Paul,

Now to him who can do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us

Prayer Changes Things

Recently, my wife Kris underwent heart surgery.

In preparation for the procedure, the nurse poked her arm repeatedly with needles. He was trying to locate a vein to insert an instrument to keep track of her blood pressure moment baby moment during the surgery.

The problem was that he was not using a scanning machine to view the geography of Kris’ inner arm. It was like a pilot trying to fly a plane in dense fog without guiding instruments.

I cringed while Kris squirmed in excruciating pain.

She slowly recovered from a successful surgery. However, her arm was a bloody mess for several weeks. There seems to be no end in sight for the throbbing pain.

In desperation, we did what people supposedly do in foxholes in wartime.

We prayed.

The following day, the pain was gone, the bruising faded, the hematoma disappeared, and befuddled, we asked each other, “What happened?” Duh! We had prayed.

How do we explain the connection between prayer and the sudden healing?

Does every prayer produce a cure? Obviously not. We have often gone around the block where prayer did not produce the desired outcome.

So, was this dramatic recovery a matter of chance?

Some say yes, but we think not.

In that instance, praying released a power within Kris (her inner physician) that facilitated the healing.

The Power of Love

Part of our inner potential is its power to generate love.

In recent days, I’ve improved my meditation practice.

Now, some practitioners aim to silence a noisy mind and become more mindful in every way possible.

I go one step further.

I strive to access another operating system, the stream of my eternal consciousness that some name God. Since everyone has a divine spark, my meditation quest is to experience this spark.

And one of the characteristics of divinity is love.

My intention before meditation was to experience an infusion of love.

A few weeks ago I was shopping in my country store. I’d been there many times and served as a volunteer cashier. It was one of those meeting places in the village where there was a strong chance of meeting someone familiar.

In the middle of my shopping experience, I suddenly felt head to foot tingling throughout my body.

The first person I met had been my nemesis on a local committee. We had locked horns on many occasions. Usually, I would ignore her. But that day, my skin tingling extended to my offering to carry her heavy shopping basket to the checkout. And to boot, I had a profound feeling of goodwill towards her.

That was just the beginning of my love fest.

I must have hugged several people that day. Folks must have wondered whether I had ingested MDNA or gone out of my mind (actually I had!).

In that moment I was high on heavenly love.

It was not as though this benevolent state came from outside of myself. It felt as though my heart had expanded.

Finally the theory that I needed to become the love I was became a reality.

I had switched to another operating system.

Did I stop having grumpy moments? Not at all.

But my meditation practice continued to release the love within. The aspiration in the title on my memoir “Hearts Wide Open” was becoming a reality.


The way to realize our Eternal Divine Self and it’s power is threefold.

  1. Open ourselves to the possibility of that world.
  2. State our intention to participate in that Self the result being oneness and love (signs of Presence).
  3. Establish a daily meditation practice in order to get on the same wavelength as that love.
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