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Yoga Sport When Pandemic Covid-19

Suitable yoga class done at home is Hatha Yoga, because it has a lot of smooth movements.

Photo by Zen Bear Yoga on Unsplash

Being home is not an excuse for not doing activity and unproductive. The barrier is not the problem of the place but because of the lazy to do activities. This trait should be discarded far away. Lazy feeling makes you not want to move activities like exercising. Though exercise is very important for the health of the body. Make your activities in the House a great pleasure.

As it was known in December 2019, there was a virus spread of Covid 19 that required everyone to “stay at home” as a form of prevention of transmission. Many activities to fill time at home, such as working from home, learning and sports at home.

If from the side of the sport that is done at home as well as benefits with outdoor sports. Many sports can be done at home, such as: Jogging, Skipping, Yoga. If you already know Yoga then it’s the right workout option to maintain the health of the body at home.

Yoga is a popular sport originated from India that has existed since thousands of years as a spiritual or meditation need. As time goes by now yoga is made for sports that are liked by many people. This sport combines breathing, movement and meditation.

Before choosing Yoga then you need to determine the type and movement because of its many options. Many benefits are gained after doing yoga for the health of the body and the health of the mind.

The benefits of Yoga include :

  • Reduce stress
  • Make a relaxing
  • Improving fitness
  • Burns body fat
  • Controlling appetite
  • Overcoming Carpal Tunnel syndrome

Attending a yoga class in the studio needs to be accompanied by a helpful instructor to avoid injuries due to yoga movements. But now many people do yoga at home with an online class instructor by guiding his movements.

But how best to do yoga at home ?

Yoga is a sport that can be done only at home unattended coaches. Please note, if you are a beginner then it is better to meet the instructor directly to understand the details of the yoga movement. You need more than 5 live meetings to know the basic movements. Once you understand the basic movements then you can take classes online at home.

Researcher from Texas State University, Stacy Hunter, said “we can at least do pranayama or simple yoga breathing techniques. This sport can stretch the muscles and burn calories useful to reduce body weight”

Remember, you need to pay attention to the physical condition of every yoga movement. If your back is not capable of yoga movement then ask your instructor to change other movements or modify it.

A suitable yoga class done at home is Hatha Yoga, because it has a lot of smooth movements. You can set the tempo of the movement according to your needs and abilities. Smooth movements make you calm. Hatha Yoga has a focus that integrates breathing into the movement. Smooth slow motion is believed to reduce stress and become relaxed. Hatha Yoga can be called as the first level yoga to be studied. Many other levels require more energy such as: Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Kundalini, Iyengar, Jivamukti, Anusara, Sivananda, Yin Yoga, Kundalini and many more.

When at home without coaches then do a simple yoga movement to avoid injuries. Simple yoga movements that you can try, such as: Seated Yoga Pose, Standing Yoga Pose, Tree Pose (Vrksasana), Chair Pose (Utkatasana). below is the explanation :

Seated Yoga Pose — as a beginner, Seated Yoga Pose is the easiest basic movement to do. This movement only requires sitting with a sturdy body, the chest is bent forward, the head is lifted upwards and the most important is relax. Sit down like people are meditating. This movement is a basic yoga movement aimed at strengthening muscles and making relax on the nervous system so that the body can respond to all sorts of stimuli well.

Standing Yoga Pose — the movement is done standing with the right leg lifted upwards to form an angle of 45 degrees. While the right hand grabs the right leg above. In this movement, the left foot is a focus. Then the left hand leads straight forward. This movement is useful for stretching the body of the abdomen, shoulders, chest and hips

Tree Pose (Vrksasana) — Vrksasana consists of Vriksha (tree) and Asanan (Pose). This movement is like a tree in the stand. This movement only rests on 1 foot, open eyes and hands converge in front of the chest. This movement can cure low blood pressure. In addition, this movement is beneficial to improve the balance of legs, strengthen and tighten the entire leg to the buttocks, and strengthen the bones in the hips and legs. But don’t do this movement if you’re suffering from migraines, high blood and all the illnesses that make you fall.

Chair Pose (Utkatasana) — this movement is done by imagining it when seated. To do so bend the knee and push the hips downwards slowly. Then stretch your hands forward and make sure the palms are facing down. Then, hold your breath for 5–10 seconds. After that, gently exhale and stand upright. The Chair pose is a standing motion that can tighten the thighs, spine, ankles, hips and buttocks.

Prepare these basic supplies for yoga:

  • Elastic pants
  • Yoga mats
  • Yoga bolster
  • Yoga pillow
  • Yoga beams
  • Yoga rope

To do yoga at home need a comfortable and quiet room. Hopefully the selection of the room makes you focus. Choosing a spacious room is the right choice because you can have a distant visibility and can put a PC/laptop to take a class of online yoga. The main thing to note is lest you get distracted because one has a room in the house. Doing yoga can be done by listening to musical instruments.

Set the yoga schedule consistently every day with the same duration to benefit physical health. To not get bored doing yoga at home then invite your family to do yoga together.

Hopefully health can be maintained by doing yoga at home.

Hatha Yoga
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