avatarLiza Donnelly


Year Of Positivity

New Year’s day always holds a mixture of feelings. I am never sure what to do with the day. One thing about the first of the year — a random day embued with way too much signifigance, I might add — is it has a feeling of new. Fresh. Starting with gusto (going to use gusto in a cartoon next week, stay tuned).

As I have written before, the media landscape is changing all the time and I know it’s a cliche to say the world is moving fast. But it is. As we whine about change, there are people out there using the new to make the better. It’s a balancing act between those who simply are looking for profit or power and don’t care about the damage to others, and those who are working to use new technologies and ideas for good.

This day of beginning, this January 1st, 2024, maybe can be a celebration of positivity. Together we will muddle through and change the world and get this country figured out and be its best. We will help each other see and feel and share. I’m ready to go.

Thank you for being here.

New Year
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