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The web content discusses the emotional challenges and necessary resilience when facing the end of a dream, and the importance of finding a new purpose in life.


The article titled "Writing Prompt: Death of a Dream" reflects on the personal journey of letting go of a dream and embracing a new one. It acknowledges the difficulty in making the decision to change paths, whether in personal life or business, and the emotional toll it takes. The narrative includes the story of a young athlete whose promising football career ended abruptly due to an accident, leading him to find success in computer gaming. The article emphasizes that while the loss of a dream can be heart-wrenching, it is crucial to recover and seek new aspirations to move forward in life. It encourages resilience and courage in the face of such transitions, suggesting that dreams are challenges to be faced actively. The article concludes by recommending an AI service, ZAI.chat, as a cost-effective alternative to ChatGPT Plus (GPT-4).


  • Life often requires us to make tough choices between persevering with our current path or pursuing new opportunities.
  • In business, the decision to abandon a non-profitable project for a more lucrative one is seen as a pragmatic choice for success.
  • The emotional impact of losing the ability to pursue a dream, as illustrated by the story of the injured football player, can be significant, but recovery and adaptation are possible.
  • The process of letting go of an old dream and embracing a new one is likened to closing a door and opening a window, suggesting a shift in perspective and opportunity.
  • Dreams, whether small or large, are viewed as challenges that require bravery to overcome, and it is important to be courageous in facing these life changes.
  • The article promotes the idea that finding a new dream is essential for

Observations on Life

Writing Prompt: Death of a Dream

Finding a new Dream

Photo by Ron Szalata on Unsplash

In life we are sometimes faced with tough choices. Do we keep on the path that we have chosen or do we move onto something else? In business, it is much easier to see when one particular type of work is not moving, when it is not bringing in profits. That is a clear sign, that a new more profitable project needs to be taken up, in order to make the business a success.

While in school I remember a young student, who was a very good football player. He had a bike accident and then could not play the game. He was emotionally broken by the accident, which made him walk with a crutch for a period of time. Once he recovered from his injuries, he took up computer gaming and made his life a success.

Have there been times in your life, when you have watched your dream die before your eyes? It is emotionally upsetting, but you need to find the strength to recover, find a new dream and move forward in life. Some dreams are small ones, while others could be major dreams, like switching a career or moving to a new place to reside in life.

Regardless of how big or small your dreams may be, we still feel sadness inside, when we need to shut out minds to one dream and open windows to another one. Dreams are challenges in life that we need to be courageous enough to face. Find your new dream, if you are still mourning the loss of the old one.

Photo by Johann Siemens on Unsplash
Goals In Life
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