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The website content discusses the art of writing online, likening it to a strategic game where success is achieved through understanding storytelling nuances, utilizing data for improvement, and embracing the power of imagination to engage readers.


Writing online is presented as a multifaceted endeavor akin to playing a complex game. The author emphasizes that stories are not mere entities but a dynamic force within our collective consciousness, with the power to influence reality. Success in writing, as in gaming, is portrayed as a step-by-step progression, requiring perseverance and dedication. The article underscores the importance of using data to inform writing choices, rather than relying on assumptions. It suggests that writers who listen to their audience's feedback and adapt accordingly are more likely to thrive in the digital landscape. The narrative also touches on the psychological aspects of writing, such as overcoming fear and the need for validation, while advocating for a mindset that values learning and adaptability. The author encourages writers to harness their imagination to create impactful stories that not only resonate with readers but also have the potential to shape the future.


  • The author believes that stories have the power to transcend the boundaries of minds and become a vibrant life force.
  • Writing is likened to a game where progression from one level to the next is achieved through persistence and mastery of each stage.
  • There is an emphasis on the use of data to enhance writing, suggesting that writers who ignore data are likely to fail.
  • The article posits that many writers operate under the illusion of understanding their audience and the impact of their work without concrete evidence.
  • Fear and the desire for perfection can hinder writers from sharing their work and benefiting from feedback.
  • The power of imagination is celebrated as a tool for overcoming life's challenges and a means to turn dreams into reality.
  • The author suggests that writing is not just a hobby but a ritual that connects us to the universe and helps us understand our place within it.
  • Success in writing is attributed to understanding the 'game' of online writing, including the rules and the competition.
  • The article encourages a consistent approach to writing, valuing growth and the ability to deliver content that resonates deeply with readers.
  • The author expresses a belief in the enchantment of the world and the importance of experiencing it fully through storytelling.
  • The narrative concludes with a call to action for writers to consider the world they wish to create through their stories and their responsibility in shaping it.

Writing online is a game

Storytelling tips

Photo by Daniel Schludi on Unsplash

There ARE many types of Stories and Tellers.

A story cannot be a thing. Just as dominant culture has turned rivers, sea coral, skunks, symbols, stones, sparrows, black men, and brown women into things stories can be ordinary, unremarkable, unfeeling entities.


Stories can be the vibrant life force coursing through the veins of our shared consciousness. They have the power to shake the very foundations of reality, transcending the boundaries of minds. Picture a presence that draws near, gently clasping our hand, and whispers sweet nothings into our ear. These stories, like shape-shifting spirits, break free from the shackles of our mental constraints. They seep into the very essence of our beings, infusing our cells with the boundless potential and myriad possibilities of existence. Some embark on a transformative journey toward uncharted territory where it becomes clear that these narratives are not distant fantasies but rather reflections of our current emotional states. But notoriously, we as humans spend a lot of time imagining the top achievement we desire at the end of one story, but struggle deeply to get through the beginning — where we kinda stuck. (or suck!)

On the flip side, we should as storytellers understand that the journey to success is much like a game. We don’t leap from Level 1 straight to Level 10; it’s a step-by-step progression replaying Level 1 countless times to grasp its nuances before advancing to Level 2. The pattern continues as we ascend the ladder of achievement. Imagine it as an epic adventure from the game of our lives where our perseverance and dedication serve as our trusty allies. As long as we persist in our quest, learning and mastering each level along the way, we’re destined to ascend to the pinnacle of online success. In essence, this is how we emerge triumphant and “win the top game.”

As writers and creators of stories, we will find ourselves pondering our role in shaping the future, not only on the page but also in our dreams. Some among us possess ancient prophecies handed down through traditional knowledge systems, while others, engaged in a lifelong process of repairing and reconnecting with our ancestral wisdom, are crafting their own prophecies. The electrifying surge of imagination sends shivers down our spines. But the whole of them reside in the same game of data because nowadays there are only 2 types of writers: those who use data to inform and improve or those who fail.

Ninety-seven percent of folks out there are absolutely convinced they’ve got it all figured out when it comes to their writing. They’ll proudly declare they know precisely who their audience is, the exact dream they should pen, and even which tidbit of their own life story will strike a chord with the masses. These self-assured scribes are convinced they’ve unlocked the mystery of their own identity. But here’s the dumb reality: they’re merely operating on assumptions, educated hunches, and not a shred of concrete data to back up their claims. This was exactly the same lesson I’d learned when I first started to use the written words. When I wrote about bold topics, viewership was mediocre. But when I wrote about life or entertainment lessons, my writing went viral. With the help of the metrics, I was no longer making decisions based on what I thought people wanted. Readers from my data have always told me what they wanted — all I had to do was to listen. So the sooner we start receiving feedback on our writings, the faster we grow.

Also, our tells stand only at attention. Some people talk about doing the right thing but they keep their work hidden until they convince themselves what they’re doing is brilliant. They are waiting, waiting for the perfect moment to reveal naked to the world but very few will ever exit the “waiting stage.” Why? Because of fear. They’re afraid of the immediate feedback. And then there are those fashioning reality. They go out and make stories. Like gamers they play (they write) they play and they play until the settings are no longer relevant. They could play (write) anytime holding the balance of rights and responsibilities. The power of imagination is the catalyst for turning those plays into reality. But not just any imagination; we’re talking about a distinct, mind-bending kind of imagination. It’s the kind that keeps us going even in the face of immense tragedy and loss. Believe it or not, a good story is the secret weapon for navigating life’s most challenging chapters. You see, the blueprint for a better world lies within the boundless realm of imagination. That’s where we’ll uncover the treasures that can reshape our reality.

We can call it art or business or as I call it in the title a game. Because when one writer (teller) wins another writer loses. Much like a sacred ceremony, writing is not just a pastime; it’s an essential ritual. It’s our way of communing with the universe and making sense of our place within it. But the real reason most people aren’t successful is that they don’t understand how the game works and this game is so simple as complex. I will clarify here. Some people like to believe they can write and share things they love about. They, don’t really care about readers. I’m not saying is wrong and if it’s done as a hobby or for the art they should go for it. After all, life isn’t all about “winning” — the purpose of life is only to play, learn and relearn. Throw this story in the trash bin if you are in the first category. But if you blame the web or “the algorithm” or all the extraterrestrial beings for not winning assume that you are playing with fear. You have to believe. To imagine. Understand the competition and how others play. Learn the rules. Not saying to obey them… just learn. Not a theory. Not a metaphor. Not magic. Relearn. The restoration of knowing. Our spot on the shelf. Think of every story as its own playing field with its own rules. If you were in a strategy game which one would you choose? Our job is to take time and observe until we understand the nuances and we can apply the unexpected. As a result, we will get noticed with both positive and negative feedback. We will stand out and we get the reader's momentum (attention).

So I believe the world is enchanted and being able to experience this brings us so much more playing fields. You see nothing has to do with advertising; brand; status; name or PR. They all have to do with the game rules. It’s not about flashy titles, approval stamps, or fancy logos. What really reels readers into their orbit is a potent mix of quality and proof they’re “playing and trying to win the game”. Now, what’s the magic formula? It’s all about consistency — those folks who keep showing up and delivering the deals. It’s about their undeniable growth over time, like fine wine maturing with age. But wait, there’s more! Crafting something that speaks to our very souls.

Imagine this: a captivating dance of impossibility and promise as we sow the seeds of our dreams and nurture them, and in return, they nurture us right back. It’s like a cycle where the grand finale seamlessly merges with the spectacular opening act. The thresholds of possibility intermingle, creating a tapestry of endless potential. We crave and require, we have the power to bring them to life. Every single one of us in our completeness and sovereignty, armed with the incredible arsenal of our medium and the enchantment of the natural world. In this cycle of continuous creation and rebirth, we will find ourselves as our stories perpetually renewed, birthing and being born, again and again. It’s a mesmerizing symphony of existence!

Therefore I pose a question to all the storytellers out there: What kind of world do you aspire to inhabit? Which stories will lead us there? Can we dare to dream of such a world? What are the details of that world? What am I responsible for? Would I want to inhabit the stories I create?

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Writing Tips
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