Writing is as Normal as Breathing
Live to Write and Write to Live
Just as we do not focus too much on every breath that we take, we need to write every literary piece we do as being normal, as if it were breathing.
Breathing keeps us alive and it is something we do naturally and without hesitation. Writing needs to become part of our second nature. Once we realize that we are at our best when we write, we need to make it a habit.
Writing daily is a great habit to inculcate into our personalities and an important feature we need to incorporate into our daily lives.
We breathe to keep our lives and bodies working. Control your breathing and you will realize the importance of every breath. Similarly, try to control your writing. How would you control your desire to write?
The best way to control your passion for writing is when you have a great idea which you want to write about, stop yourself from writing it down. After a while, you will feel that your desire to write has increased tremendously and you are unable to restrain yourself any longer. You will just need to pick up a pen and write down your thoughts or type it onto your laptop without hesitation. You will have discovered in that instant your passion for writing while using the power of expressing yourself creatively in words.
You find that you can write your thoughts with fluidity and there is no stopping to think or hesitate with words and expressions. The right words will fall into the right place as you write. This is because you had time to ruminate on your idea and it was given an opportunity to form in your mind.
Your desire to write also increased a flood of new innovative ideas into your mind. Your creativity multiplied, as you restrained yourself from writing your thoughts. Do this every day and it will not be long before you are writing every day. The best way to become a prolific writer is by writing every day.
Keep a journal with ideas for articles and it will be a repository for you in the future. Your writer’s journal will be a useful tool to overcome writer’s block. You will never be short on ideas to write about. It will also aid you in putting a fresh perspective into everything that you write.
“Live to Write and Write to Live”, should be your motto for the rest of the year.