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Deon Christie discusses the potential of Medium Publications for content marketing, making money through writing, and the strategic use of Quora Spaces to drive traffic.


Deon Christie, an experienced content marketer, delves into the opportunities presented by Medium Publications for writers aiming to monetize their content. He highlights the effectiveness of targeting specific audiences through strategic content marketing and the avoidance of English stop words in titles. Christie emphasizes the significance of his new Medium Publications, "WRITING Solutions" and "MAKING MONEY Writing," and their early success in terms of viewership and engagement. He also draws parallels between Medium Publications and Quora Spaces, suggesting that both platforms can be leveraged to increase visibility and income. Christie provides insights into his methods for using Quora Spaces to funnel traffic to his Medium content and shares his plans for future content marketing strategies.


  • Christie believes that Medium Publications are a key strategy for driving targeted traffic and generating sales, even without massive visitor numbers.
  • He values the importance of GEO targeting, interest, and trending topics for effective content marketing.
  • Christie sees the combination of Medium and Quora as a powerful tool for reaching nearly 1 billion active users.
  • He suggests that response from the audience is more valuable than mere views, indicating active interest and potential for sales.
  • Christie advocates for the creation and contribution to Medium Publications and Quora Spaces as methods to gain recognition and traffic without paid advertising.
  • He emphasizes the importance of following each Medium Publication's rules and requirements to ensure acceptance of content and professional recognition.
  • Christie is optimistic about the potential growth and income from his content marketing strategies involving Medium Publications and Quora Spaces, as evidenced by his early results and statistical data.

Writing To Make Money On Medium!

Are Medium Publications Writing The New “Blogging”?

Medium Non-Members Can Read The Full Story HERE!

The image was designed with Canva by Deon Christie. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

What You Will Learn From This Article.

Introduction To New Medium Publications.

Writing Solutions Publication On Medium.

Making Money Writing Publication On Medium.

Start Being Part Of Medium Publications.

Medium Publications You Want To Write For.

Medium Publications And Quora Spaces.

Introduction To New Medium Publications.

As you might well know by now, I am a full-blown research junkie. It is quite safe to assume my PC and I “are one”! Constantly searching and figuring out different ways to drive traffic, called “Content Marketing Strategies”.

Different ways and means to not only drive traffic but also generate sales with the traffic you do receive. Let it be known that you do not necessarily need hundreds of thousands of visitors to generate sales.

You merely want to target your audience by means of GEO Targeting, Interest, and Most Searched Topics. You can simply use Google Trends.

But that is a topic I have already covered in another article on Medium. Audience targeting, so your hard work can reach the right people at the right time.

I recently started exploring Medium Publications, to form a few content marketing strategies around that. Under the last heading of this article, I share briefly a Quora strategy to get views to your Medium Publications.

But the entire strategy is reserved for a future post on Medium. I have had great success combining Medium and Quora with several content marketing strategies.

Combining these two in the right manner can be rather explosive. These two sites combined provide you with just south of 1 Billion Monthly Visits. That is (almost) 1 Billion Active users, I might add!

Below you will find my first Medium Publications on one of the most searched and read topics on Medium. “Writing And Making Money”. It so happens the topic is right up my alley too!

As mentioned already, these are 3 brand new Medium Publications, so feel free to apply as a writer now (Just Follow The “Write For Us” Instructions) from the publication navigation bar.

It is a well-searched and read topic on Medium. If you have relevant content and think you can add value, then I think the next few months are going to be rather exciting!

Writing Solutions Publication On Medium.

Author account screenshot. The image was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

The Medium WRITING Solutions Publication was started on 06 November 2022 (At Around 13:00 Pacific Standard Time) by Deon Christie. Editor and Writer for WRITING Solutions.

Alongside Dr Mehmet Yildiz, as co-editor (which is a great honour). For those of you who are not familiar with Dr Mehmet Yildiz. He is the Chief Editor of ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION’S MIRROR (And All Other ILLUMINATION Affiliations like SLACK), SYNERGY, and Reader’s Hope.

Dr Mehmet’s knowledge and wisdom are literally decades ahead of my own! I strongly advise you too, to start learning from him. I am really glad to have him on board as an editor for WRITING Solutions.

My “New-Born” Medium Publication is called MAKING MONEY Writing, bringing it a step closer to the exact phrase “Writing And Making Money”. But, “and” is an English stop word.

With blogging, for instance, you want to avoid English stop words in titles, headers, and sub-headers. To the best of my SEO understanding anyway.

So, I am just avoiding the English stop words altogether in titles. Just to be sure. Besides, the title already targets “making money”, and “writing”.

I think that’s just about as close as I am going to get with “topic targeting”. While avoiding English stop words.

Making Money Writing Publication On Medium.

Author account screenshot. The image was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

Just like “WRITING Solutions”, “MAKING MONEY Writing” focuses on similar topics. But they contain different publications that I have on Medium.

Sharing your Medium posts on Medium Publications is a sure boost in views, reads, and responses. I speak from experience. The only regret I have with Medium Publications is the fact that I should have started exploring them a lot sooner!

Medium Publications are one of my personal top strategies I would recommend for traffic. But you need to understand the workings and application of content marketing strategies.

Start Being Part Of Medium Publications.

This is the perfect time to start writing for Medium Publications, and also to launch your own Medium Publications. Why now? Well, if not now, then when? “RIGHT NOW” is always the best time to start with anything!

Just to give you an idea in the illustration below, this is just over 2 days' stats for WRITING Solutions. I have to add that I did not apply much promotional effort because I was busy working on “MAKING MONEY Writing”.

Author account screenshot. The image was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

For a publication that basically just started, I am quite happy with the results. I think anyone who understands the process of generating targeted traffic that results in sales might agree.

I know Medium Publications is my “next”, that I can assure you. If it will be yours, well, that is entirely up to you. You should though, just saying.

Author account screenshot. The image was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

As illustrated above, the first two days of “WRITING Solutions”, also had 72 minutes of reading time. Over half an hour of reading time per day, just getting started is quite acceptable. To me anyway…

The Medium Publication stats below are for “MAKING MONEY Writing” on Medium. This publication went live, around one day ago (at the time I started writing this article).

Author account screenshot. The image was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

Now, the above stats may not seem all that impressive. But that’s not what matters most to me. What matters most is the fact that there is traffic growth. There is interest, and the audience is active.

Trust me when I say, Medium Publications is the place to be. If not having your own Medium Publications, then start applying and getting approved to write for other Medium Publications.

Medium Publications You Want To Write For.

There are Medium Publications like “The Startup” with over 8 million monthly readers and 750K followers. However, they only accept (to the best of my understanding) posts behind the “pay wall”.

This I believe means being part of the Medium Partner Program. Therefore, I will personally not be able to submit my posts to this outstanding Publication on Medium. Because the partner program is not available in my country (South Africa).

There are also “Better Marketing”, Startup Splash”, and “The Bold Writer”. (I’m yet to apply as a writer with these Publications) In fact, there are hundreds of Medium Publications you can choose from to write for.

Below is a list of the Medium Publications I am personally approved as a writer with. Two of which, I personally own. I’m already seeing a remarkable increase in response especially.

In my opinion, views without response mean that your audience might not be all that interested in your content. Response, however, means the direct opposite. Therefore, the response is worth more to me than just views. Check out these Medium Publications.

WRITING Solutions (Deon Christie, Dr. Mehmet Yildiz).

MAKING MONEY Writing (Deon Christie).

ILLUMINATION (Dr. Mehmet Yildiz).

Reader’s Hope (Dr. Mehmet Yildiz).


Bootcamp (UX Collective).

SYNERGY (Dr. Mehmet Yildiz).

The Writing Cooperative (Justin Cox).

New Writers Welcome (Robert Ralph).

To be considered as a writer for most Medium Publications, there will be an option to do so on the home page. In the navigation menu, you may find options like “Write For Us”, or “Contact”.

Just look for anything that provides an option to contact the editors, or to apply to be considered as a writer. Or both. Once you are approved as a writer, you can submit your medium publications.

But you must read through and understand each Publisher’s rules and requirements. So pay attention and avoid getting your content refused, and also wasting the editor’s time.

Some of these Medium Publications receive hundreds, even thousands of submissions each day. It is not their job to remind you about the kind of content they are looking for.

Take your time with Medium Publications, please do not try and rush things. Pay attention to requirements because you want to get published and in that, get recognized as a professional writer.

Medium Publications And Quora Spaces.

The deeper I go with Medium Publications, the more I notice a few similarities between Medium Publications and Quora Spaces. With Medium Publications, you share other writers’ Medium posts.

With Quora Spaces, you share other writers’ Quora answers with your Quora Spaces. With Quora Spaces you can schedule “Suggested Posts” to your Quora Space with the built-in post scheduler.

Whereas with Medium Publications, the writer needs to be approved to submit their posts. An editor, and/or editorial team will then approve or decline the writers’ work.

With Quora Spaces, your submitted content will also need to be approved. But both these strategies (Medium Publications And Quora Spaces), are excellent tools for getting targeted active visitors.

Author account screenshot. The image was captured with “Paint 3D” and edited with Canva. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

Now, I’m not going to get into Quora traffic strategy details. Just a quick thought on how to use Quora Spaces to get eyes on your Medium Publications. I have done several posts on how to use Quora already.

As illustrated above (when you have your own Quora Spaces), this is a screenshot of a Quora Space Description. Creating Quora Spaces, by the way, is just as “easy” as starting Medium Publications.

Notice the “Pinned Post”? Now the pinned post in this case is an answer pinned to the particular Quora Space (Skilled English Writing). Currently averaging 22.7K views and 813 followers per week!

Author account screenshot. The image was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

The answer in the pinned post contains a link to my Medium post that is published in one of the Medium Publications. But there is also the Quora Space Details section, this is where it gets rather interesting.

As seen in the previous illustration, the “details” area (in the red square) is where you introduce yourself to your audience. Including your Quora Space rules and requirements is also a good idea in the details area.

This is where you can introduce your visitors to several types of your personal online work and articles. Personally, and besides major social networks. I have included links to the following.

Quora Profile.

Medium Profile.

Personal Medium Publications.

I have to admit that this is currently my Quora Space that is doing the best since I last checked. Out of the 128 Quora Spaces I have already created.

Admittedly, I have just (before starting with this article) changed the details sections on all my Quora Spaces. They now all include my Medium Profile and Medium Publications.

I will see how it goes within the next few weeks. But with 22.7K views and 72.7K Followers on one Quora Space (eyes directly on Medium), I think this one is going to deliver exciting results.

Testing a new “Content Marketing Strategy” as it stands. Once I have a few weeks of results and testing, I will be sharing the strategy step by step in a Medium post.

You might want to subscribe and don’t miss that one. I’m sure the numbers are already telling you what is potentially about to happen!

Do you know the best thing about this traffic? I don’t spend a single penny to get it. I spend about 1–2 hours per week tweaking things. I’ve generated millions of website visitors and seen income returns of over (See For Yourself Inside) per month! — Source

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Some of the links in this post are links to affiliate offers. If you visit them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is entirely up to you. All offers come with a full money-back guarantee!

Free Stuff For My Medium Subscribers.

All new subscribers on Medium will receive 4 free gifts. 2 of my top traffic eBooks, and 2 free memberships (invitation only) for buyer traffic tools I use. Subscribe to me (Deon Christie) on Medium and your free stuff will be emailed to you asap. Medium has no affiliation, nor do they endorse the free giveaway in any way. It is my personal free giveaway to all new Medium subscribers.

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