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Writer’s Block? No Such Thing!

Not on my watch! Here are 50 headlines with subheadings. You can thank me later.

Photo by Ryan Snaadt on Unsplash

I realized the other day that I might have a rare gift of no writer’s block. This essentially means, that I add headlines as drafts all the time and never have the time to expand them into a full-fledged story, so I decided there is perhaps an interesting, collaborative way to fix that. I’ll give you the headlines, the subhead even, and three rules.

  • Link back to this article somewhere in your story.
  • Leave a comment on this article with a link to your published story (will hopefully prevent someone else from having the exact same headline), so that I can then link to it and perhaps drive some more traffic your way.
  • Cannot be short-form, so needs to be above 3 minutes read.

So without further ado, here comes all the inspiration you need…

  1. Elon Musk Isn’t Rude, He Has Asperger’s — A emphatic but pragmatic look into the syndrome that far too few seem to understand. Used by: Susie Kearley
  2. The Water-Bottle That Saved My Life — If I could write a Sigg bottle ad, this would be it!
  3. Snow-white And The 8 Dwarves — A hypothetical inclusive twist where the prince is also a dwarf.
  4. Why You Should Always Write At Night — And how not to let that mess up your day.
  5. I Bought A Guitar — I’ll never play it, but I love it!
  6. All My Friends Are Dead — Why we struggle keeping long-term relationships alive
  7. What If You Never Lost Your Virginity? — A non-religious devil’s advocate look at abstaining from sex before marriage
  8. My Smart Home Is Stupid — A funny story of all the things that can and will go wrong
  9. I Don’t Want To Be Part Of The Metaverse — But I Might Have No Choice
  10. If Unicorns Were Real — A zoologist’s exploration of the potentially impossible
  11. Can We Get A New Tim Cook? — Now that we have new Apple Silicon, how about we get a fresh new CEO too?
  12. Five Reasons To Change Jobs Every Two years — Recruiters don’t like it, but who cares, it’s your life after all.
  13. A Lifetime Career? Bullshit! — Welcome to the future of multitalented and poly-career workers.
  14. I Like Curvy And You Should Too — Why curved monitors are better for your home office setup.
  15. My Life Feels Like Someone Else’s — An introspective look into reclaiming one’s life-path and vision.
  16. I Don’t Feel Ugly, But The World Begs To Differ — An honest look at superficiality and how to deal with it
  17. An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away — But let’s try that with beer and see what happens
  18. A Beer A Day Keeps The Boredom Away — What I’ve learned from drinking over 500 unique beers in 5 years.
  19. Is The bestseller of all times a good read? — A look at the Bible from an entirely non-religious but open-minded perspective.
  20. A Total Zuckerberg Detox — What happened after I left Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp in one fell swoop?
  21. Should You Wait Until 50 To Write A Novel? — Five reasons why waiting to gain life experience might not be the secret to a successful novel.
  22. The Wasted Four Years — A look at traditional education and why high school might be a waste of time for many students.
  23. Freud Was Absolute Nuts Or Was He? — A modern review of his most famous and shocking theories
  24. Climate Change May Be A Hoax, But Our Reactions Are Real — An analysis of global reactions to what was always going to happen anyway
  25. Leonardo’s Next Thing — What would Leonardo da Vinci invent next if he came back to life?
  26. The Eiffel Tower Sucks And Paris Are Overrated — A more down-to-earth look at the alleged city of romance and endless proposals.
  27. Human Civilisation Is Still In Its Infancy — A brief look at the last 1000 years, and it’s obvious we’re all just mad babies
  28. I Took A Sabbatical And It Was Transformative — Ten reasons why putting professional life on hold for a year is the best thing you’ll ever do
  29. Seven Reasons Why Moving To India Is What You Need — An eye-opening argument for moving into a radically different culture
  30. Not All Indian Women Want An Indian Husband! — And some don’t want one at all. A look at how feminism and independence is reshaping India.
  31. Everything I Knew And Loved, Is Gone — A real story of a tsunami survivor
  32. Ten Reasons Why Eastern-Europeans Are So Different From The West — And why that matters more than you think.
  33. Fuck Programming, I’m Opening A Chipper — A burnt-out software engineer’s musings and “fumings”.
  34. Is It Time To Have A Native American President? — After all, doesn’t the world owe it to them?
  35. It’s Sad How Happy I Am — A day in the life of a professional clown
  36. Filtered Water Is Bullshit — And there’s overwhelming evidence to prove it
  37. Undoing The Titanic’s Tragedy — Five different ways it could have all been prevented
  38. Marvel And DC Aren’t Just For Nerds Any More, And It Sucks — Did Hollywood steal an entire subculture’s identity by making superhero movies cool for everyone?
  39. The Myth Of Tripe-glazed Windows — Before you fork out your hard-earned cash on extra glazing, read this.
  40. The Orchestration Of Dance Music — Why “acoustifying” dance and electronic music works better than anyone expected.
  41. Rock, Paper, Scissor, But Why? — Statistics and probabilities around one of the most popular games on the planet
  42. Paper Isn’t The Answer To Climate Change — But history already solved this problem, we just forgot
  43. Daleks And Cybermen Are Real — Bringing the fictional Doctor Who characters into a potential future Earth
  44. I Built An Entire App In A Single Day — A self-imposed challenge to build an original, useful, and production-ready Flutter app from scratch in 24 continuous hours.
  45. It’s 2076 And Apple Is Still Relevant! — What are the chances of tech companies surviving the century mark?
  46. Gender-based Segregation In Schools Is Unscientific — The many reasons why the girl and boy-only schools must end now!
  47. Duct-tape Is Good For Ya! — Ten unexpected and practical ways you can use duct tape.
  48. I Don’t Read Books Any More — And why that shouldn’t make you feel stupid or ashamed
  49. Want To Quickly Add Your Videos To Your Blog? — Three easy ways you can generate high-quality GIFS for your stories
  50. I Backpacked Around Europe For A Year And Didn’t Learn Much — The negative side effects of increased globalization of large cities across Europe

By the way, these are not the actual draft headlines I have saved for myself over the last couple of years. These are entirely new ones I came up with within two hours. Also, important to note, the headlines may or may not reflect my own views.

Most of these, if not all, have a fairly high chance of getting chosen for distribution if that’s something you care about. Depending on how well you write the story, many of them have the potential of becoming viral (over 5K views in the first week) too. Of course, it also goes without saying that virtually each one of these would be accepted in the right publication, should you decide to submit.

Alright. Happy writing! 😃

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Attila VagoSoftware Engineer improving the world one line of code at a time. Cool nerd since forever, writer of codes and blogs. Web accessibility advocate, Lego fan, vinyl record collector. Loves craft beer!

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