Write for Good Vibes Club!
Submission Guidelines for Good Vibes Club — Revised September 2023

Welcome to the Good Vibes Club — a publication promoting positivity and joy.
Do you have a story you’d like to share? Would you like to be a writer for Good Vibes Club?
We’d love to share your words in the spirit of spreading joy and positivity around our world.
NOTE — Guidelines updated September 2023, effective October 1, 2023. The changes are: 1 — Only one submission per day, please. 2 — No previously published stories over 48 hours old.
· Life lessons and experiences
· It Happened to Me stories
· Inspirational pieces
· Poetry
· Writing prompts
· Tips or advice for living a positive life
· Ways to add joy to your life
· Book reviews on inspiration or life changing books
· Wherever your heart leads you — that’s what we want to see!
1. Follow and subscribe to Good Vibes Club.
2. Comment on this article with ‘add me as a writer’.
3. Read Medium’s guidelines here.
4. Good Vibes Club doesn’t have a minimum or maximum word count or read time. You know your story. You know what you want to write.
5. Have a title and subtitle.
6. Have at least one image, at the top, underneath the subtitle. Credit all images please.
7. Edit and polish before submission. We may do some light editing. If there are any major concerns or questions, we’ll leave you a note on the piece. Except for poetry. Good Vibes Club doesn’t profess to know the first thing about poetic expression. So, if that’s the style of something you write for us, we trust you on this one and will publish as is, if accepted.
8. NO AI WRITTEN ARTICLES! AI assisted artwork is permissible as long as the image is property credited.
9. One firm rule — No hate. No bashing. No ugliness. But we doubt we need to tell you that. If you’re reading this and wanting to submit something, we know you’re looking for the good in life and not the nastiness.
10. Five topics are allowed. Please make one of them ‘Good Vibes Club’ — the other four can be any you choose.
11. Only one submission per day please, to allow enough editing time for the others submitting stories too.
12. No previously published stories over 48 hours old. We understand that sometimes we hit publish too soon, and then you decided you want to send here. But the published stories keep their initial publishing date. So if you send a story that’s a week or six weeks old, that’s where they stay in the line up. After October 1st — no previously published stories over 48 hours old.
Turn around time is expected to be within 24–48 hours. (I have a ‘day job’ too, so need to work my Medium editing time around that and am not available here 24/7)
If you have any questions, please add a note here, or you can email me at: [email protected].
Thank you for considering writing something for Good Vibes Club. We appreciate having you in the Club!