avatarJoAnn Ryan


Writing — Travel Publication

Write For Globetrotters! 🚢✈️🚗

Traveling — Writing — Sharing: Submission guidelines for writers

(Updated Jan. 26, 2024)

Flying over Trinidad — Photos by JoAnn Ryan

Hello there, and thank you so much for your interest in writing for us. We’re glad you’re here!

Here at Globetrotters, we publish first-person travel narratives.

In general, we do not publish guides, travel tips or third-person stories. Most of these tend to be rather dry and boring, and guides/travel tips for all kinds of places can be found online these days. However, there are always exceptions to every rule if the story is compelling and interesting enough.

Overall though, we want to hear about your own stories and impressions of whatever travel experience you are writing about. Don’t give us a boring blog post, play-by-play itinerary, high school report, dictionary entry, or what we like to call the and-then and-then stories.

Be creative, educate us, and above all, entertain us with your impactful well-written story.

  • 🚢 All travel tips must be written from your own experience of putting those tips into practice.
  • 🚂 We also require our travel writers use their own photo captures. Please see our photo policy for full details.
  • 🤖 We DO NOT accept AI written stories. Use of AI tools without disclosing it to readers could constitute as a violation of Medium rules. Note that we’ve begun to use AI checkers and violators will be called out and possibly be removed from our publications.
  • 🚗 After you have already been added as a writer and published your first story with us, do introduce yourself to everyone at Globetrotters via our Writer Spotlight Stories series—note there is a specific format for these stories. Use tag ‘Spotlight Stories’.
  • 💼 Also, take advantage of our Monthly Challenge prompts to contribute fun and interesting stories to Globetrotters Use tag ‘Monthly Challenge’.
  • 💡 Need story ideas? Check these out: Ongoing Story Prompts on Globetrotters, For Your Writing Pleasure and Globetrotters Top 40: Check Out Our Most Read Stories.


Helpful reminders and links to consult with regards to writing on Globetrotters and Medium. ❤️❤️

  • Globetrotters is a travel publication, therefore stories must have a travel-related theme.
  • Edit and polish your work. Create a great experience for your readers.
  • Always credit images. Consult our Image Policy for more information.
  • Avoid clickbait titles. The most obvious is stating in the title/subtitle that the content is controversial when it actually isn’t.
  • Support the publication and your fellow writers by following the pub and reading and engaging with stories other than your own. Reciprocal engagement is very important on Medium. Please acknowledge comments left on your stories by liking and responding whenever appropriate.
  • Use caution when mentioning acts of violence in your stories. Do not use such things merely as clickbait to get someone to read your story.
  • No full nudism in photos.
  • Consult Medium Rules for general platform guidelines.
  • If distribution interests you, (now called boosting) check this out: Medium’s Distribution Standards: What Writers and Publications Need to Know
  • A great source for formatting articles is this FAQ I wrote a while back: Frequently Asked Questions About Writing on Globetrotters

Additional helpful resources:

The editing team here at Globetrotters consists of Adrienne Beaumont, Anne Bonfert, Jillian Amatt - Artistic Voyages, Michele Maize and myself, JoAnn Ryan. So glad you could join us!

New Writers ❤️❤️

At the current moment we have a pretty full roster of writers, so we will be carefully reading through submissions and selecting only the best writers or those who have something very unique to bring to the publication.

If you believe your writing fits this description and would like to apply:

  • First, read these entire guidelines and make sure you take note of what we are looking for and our rules. We get so many questions every day that could have simply been answered by reading these guidelines. Trust me, you do not want to get started on the wrong foot.
  • Read our current photo policy.
  • Consider reading this helpful article: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Writing on Globetrotters.
  • New * We now have a new method for you to apply to be a writer through this form: Apply to become a writer for Globetrotters (note: make sure to submit a Medium story draft. Stories from other sites are not accepted).
  • Please do not submit a Writer Spotlight story as your first story.
  • If you do not hear back from us within one week, please know that your submission was not accepted. Unfortunately, due to time restraints, we may not be able to comment on individual submissions, but we will do our best.
  • Going forward, we will not be adding anyone who simply leaves their handle on this story (or any other story) or leaves a private message. Please use the link above to apply.

💚❤️Note: What will increase your chances of being added? Personal narrative stories with a travel theme aligning with the tone we are looking for will increase your chances of being added. For great examples of the kinds of content we love to publish, check out stories from this list of featured stories:

What will certainly keep you from being added? Content that is poorly written or sloppy, cookie cutter or AI-generated content, content that simply doesn’t align with what we are looking to publish and promote here at Globetrotters.

Happy traveling and writing! ❤️❤️

Introduce yourself by writing your Spotlight Story:

Want to check out the most popular stories on Globetrotters?

Needs some travel story writing ideas?

Writers Guidelines
Travel Publication
Submission Guidelines
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