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The text discusses the dynamics of worker and managerial roles in sales, using the example of a Porsche dealership, and encourages aspiring writers to pursue their passion through the Medium platform.


The article draws an analogy between the roles of worker bees and killer bees in a hive to the hierarchy in sales, specifically at a Porsche dealership where the author once worked. It highlights the fluidity and complexity of commission structures, which are often designed to benefit the company while motivating salespeople with the prospect of high earnings. The author recounts a scenario where a salesperson in another town made a significant commission from an unusual sale, illustrating the variability in sales incentives. The narrative transitions to a personal call to action, inviting readers to explore the author's work, subscribe to his content, and consider Medium as a platform for budding writers to share their work and potentially earn money.


  • The author suggests that commission structures in sales are subject to change and can be manipulated to the company's advantage, often under the guise of benefiting the salespeople.
  • There is an underlying critique of the sales industry's incentive plans, which are seen as a means to push employees to work harder, potentially to their detriment.
  • The author presents Medium as an accessible and advantageous platform for new writers to get published and start earning.
  • Don Martin positions himself as an experienced writer and humorist, offering guidance and writing tips to those interested in pursuing writing professionally.
  • The author uses a mix of seriousness and humor to engage with the audience and promote his work, as well as the Medium platform.

Worker Bee Writers and Killer Bee Writers

It takes both

Photo by Bianca Ackermann on Unsplash


In the real world, there are people who work on the ranch, and then there are people who OWN the ranch.

Some make the rules, and some obey the rules.

Some people work for commission, and some make their commission off the people who work for commission.

Once, a long, long time ago, I worked at a dealership that sold Porsches.

Once in a while, I would sell a Porsche and get paid a commission.

Now, at that time, the commission structure was a fluid, ever-changing thing that varied from company to company and at any one company, varied from time to time.

Management could look at the figures for the ending month and see what profit they had made. Just to be safe, they would build variables into the commission structure. Then, they could use a best-case scenario to convince the salespeople that the changes were to their advantage.

The dreaded phrase recited in the first sales meeting of such a month was invariably, “Now I think you boys are really going to like this new commission plan.” The variables were uncontrollable items like the length of time in inventory, base cost, dealer prep hold-back, etc. Then, they would talk about a similar plan in the next town.

“Yes, old Frank in Flagstaff sold an Aubergine Carrera with a trailer hitch to a guy who ran a FOOD TRUCK! And he cleaned up! He made $ 5,000 off that ONE CAR!

Now, it is not my place to draw any parallels to any other industry here, but I am sure there are places with difficult incentive plans, and just as in the sports car industry, I believe it always made people work harder.

Thanks for reading!

The Accidental Author, Don Martin, can be found HERE. Subscribe and “make something of yourself.” -your mom

Don’s a keen observer and prolific reporter of truth, common sense, humor, & life. He’s a WRITER and humorist, sometimes serious, sometimes tongue-in-cheek. He lives in Nashville, TN. He publishes every weekday morning. If you like his stuff, tell him HERE! He’ll be so excited, he’ll probably wheel himself over to the computer and pound out another of these little darlin’s for you…

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