avatarNitin Sharma


Work-Life Balance Is a Scam, Here’s What Really Works

Living a life that blends passion and purpose.

Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

You’ve probably heard a lot about this thing called work-life balance.

It’s been touted as the secret to a happy and successful life. But, I’m not so sure about it. In fact, I’m a bit skeptical.

Why the skepticism?

Well, it’s not that I’m against the idea of a balanced life; it’s just that I believe it’s not possible. You see, in our fast-paced modern world, work, and life are like best friends who are inseparable.

Trying to separate them neatly is like trying to unmix peanut butter and jelly once they’ve met on your sandwich.

You might have noticed this already.

Work doesn’t always stay at the office, and life doesn’t just happen outside of it. The two are intertwined in ways we can’t ignore. With technology, remote work, and our ever-connected lives, it’s not just a matter of clocking in and clocking out.

It’s more like a dance where work and life cha-cha together, sometimes gracefully and sometimes a bit chaotically.

Now, here’s where things get interesting.

Instead of getting caught up in the mystical quest for the perfect balance, we’re going to explore a different path. It’s a path focused on something that’s often overlooked — your passion and the opportunities that come your way.

Your twenties, as I like to call it, are the perfect time for diving headfirst into all sorts of opportunities, hustling like there’s no tomorrow, learning from your experiences, saving up, and soaking up knowledge like a sponge.

With that said, let’s start with the topic.

The Illusion of Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance — it’s a term we’ve all heard, and, let’s be honest, it sounds pretty sweet. But it might just be one of those myths that seem too good to be true.

See, many folks have this idea that work-life balance means perfectly dividing your life into two tidy halves, giving equal attention to your job and your personal time.

Sounds great, doesn’t it? The reality, though, can be a tad different.

Work-life balance isn’t about maintaining an impeccable 50/50 split between your work life and your personal life.

In fact, this is where the misconceptions start. We think we have to be perfect, flawless multitaskers, never letting one side tip the scale.

And that’s where the problem begins — because life isn’t always so neatly balanced.

Now, you might wonder why this myth persists.

This happens because of tricky or dishonest influencers.

You see, they often tell us we need to have it all — a thriving career, a bustling social life, a pristine home, and, of course, plenty of time for self-care and relaxation.

It’s like trying to bake a cake while also playing a concerto on the piano. The expectations can be overwhelming.

But what if I told you there’s a different way, a way that doesn’t involve this elusive work-life balance? That’s what we’re going to explore next.

My Own Experience With Work-Life Balance

Before we delve into this brave new perspective on work and life, let me introduce myself.

I’m just like you, navigating the often turbulent waters of life. My career has had its ups and downs, much like yours.

To be honest, like many of you, I used to be a firm believer in the idea of work-life balance when I first started working as a programmer.

In the early days, I needed to work more than 8 hours in a job, and then invest additional hours in building side hustles to generate more income for myself.

More often than not, I used to resent my profession and the life I had because there was no way I could spend quality time with my family or travel as I wanted.

I craved work-life balance. However, I learned from my experience that achieving it is not always possible in this modern world.

At a young age, you often have to dedicate most of your time to your work; it’s not feasible to work just 4 hours a day and then spend the remaining time with your family.

This isn’t how most of our lives function; it’s usually quite the opposite.

Some people work a standard 9 to 5, while others put in more than 10 hours a day. Yes, I’m not kidding, I myself work 10 to 12 hours per day.

The important lesson to understand from the start is that success often requires hard work — there’s no way around it.

This is how you develop skills, talent, and experience, invest your money, build assets, acquire luxury items, and create the life you desire.

In short, work-life balance can be somewhat of a myth. It’s not something that can be neatly packaged and achieved in the way it’s often portrayed.

The Shift Towards What Really Works

I’ve got a game-changing idea to share, something that transformed how I view work and life. It’s not about that old idea of finding a perfect balance; it’s something entirely new.

Instead of keeping work and personal life in separate boxes or trying to split them right down the middle, I’m talking about mixing them up in a way that makes sense for you.

You might be wondering, why should you care about this?

Well, let me tell you from my own experience.

When I stopped trying to keep work and life apart and started blending them, something incredible happened. I became way better at adapting to life’s ups and downs.

This new perspective made me more flexible and resilient.

In short, I’m searching for something that can be a part of both work and life.

Now, let’s get practical. How can you do this?

There are some strategies that helped me on my journey, and I’m pretty sure they can help you too. It’s all about figuring out what works best for you and your unique situation.

Just to give you some idea, I tried a bunch of things — filling surveys, selling stuff, blogging, coding, 9 to 5 jobs, freelancing, and even becoming a CTO.

Why? To discover what I really wanted in life.

Because I know you won’t get a divine revelation telling you the perfect path to follow. You’ve got to find your own way, and your twenties are a great time to do it.

Let’s Wrap Up

In short, I’m not a big believer in the concept of work-life balance.

In this modern world, work and life are like inseparable twins — you can’t easily separate them. Instead of pursuing the idea of a mythical balance, focus on finding a job or career that enhances your life by allowing you to pursue your passions.

And that’s where your 20s are the prime time to dive headfirst into various opportunities, hustle like there’s no tomorrow, accumulate experiences, amass savings, and absorb knowledge like a sponge.

As for myself, I’m currently in the process of building a startup, writing online, taking on freelance work, and investing in stocks, cryptocurrencies, and real estate — all on my own.

I’m also contemplating the idea of starting some traditional businesses.

I don’t yet know what will prove profitable for me, and I don’t even have my entire life planned out. I’m in an exploration phase during my twenties, and I won’t have regrets later.

So, don’t buy into the hype of finding some perfect balance between work and life. That’s a mythical concept in the real world.

Hope you like it.

That’s it — thanks.

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