avatarDr John Frederick Rose


Words Shape Thoughts.

The Beauty of Simplicity.

Elegant, simple and beautiful snapdragons, 2023. Picture by John Rose.


Natasha MH’s comment inspired me to ponder how words shape thoughts.

My poetry is stark, Objective simply minimum words for maximum meaning, Often hard won.

Dealing intimately with words meanings and contexts arouses admiration for beauty of word and thought interactions, See snapdragon’s waltz with light and hues of colour as metaphor for stark poetry.

Thoughts and Words

Often perceive hint of an idea, Apparition with neither form nor boundary, Yet haunting even taunting surface of awareness.

Giving idea form, Books and internet consulted, Gathering impressions, Acquiring words, Assessing value words against idea.

Talking with friends, Convivial surroundings encourage sharing, Listening to opinions, Learning from experiences, Gathering language that supports and explains interpretation of idea’s meaning.

Ideation process matches assumption of idea’s meaning and context to carefully chosen words, Match is imperfect, Improve through socialisation?

Socialisation includes internet publishing that creates internet meme, Meme circulates, Freely changed duplicated and adopted, Beyond creator’s influence and control.

Words and Thoughts.

Learning involves accessing implicit and explicit knowledge, Explicit knowledge is readily articulated and can be readily accepted providing new knowledge is compatible with worldview, Engineer’s worldview may accept new engineering knowledge, Teacher’s worldview may accept new teaching techniques.

Implicit knowledge isn’t readily articulated, Requires teacher to demonstrate and student to show understanding, Classes in singing and dance, Apprenticeships in glass blowing or pottery and kilns.

Student whether attending class or self-teaching must be in good health to accept and master presented knowledge, Teaching environment must facilitate learning.

Has student mastered desired knowledge? Are they competent? Good or poor doctor? Only acceptable standard independent testing and validation of knowledge and skills, Each successful test Leads to learning more advanced knowledge, Tradition of teaching learning and testing practised in all human cultures both aural and literate over thousands of years.


Two processes Thoughts leading to words Words inspiring thoughts Have interactions and often unintended consequences.

Shaping idea through accessing and evaluating possible relevant knowledge sources can easily subconsciously cause person to modify partial idea’s nature, Building house extension finding out about surprising costs could cause idea’s abandonment.

Knowledge presentation might be poorly presented and discourage learner, Stoping learning process.

Last Thoughts.

Take home lesson at least for me, Developing and understanding implication of ideas or how to apply newly acquired knowledge mandates knowing how I learn and work within my limitations.

Blessed be.

Knowledge Sharing
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