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Women’s infidelity (cheating) tends to be worse, yet women justify it all the time

You know, some of you ladies on Medium aren’t looking good. At least some of you female writers. I’ve read enough articles about cheating and women talking about their cheating exploits, and it often seems that not only do the women seem to not be that remorseful about it, but other women reading the articles seem to “understand” and even celebrate it! Yeah, yeah, I know, “not ALL women,” but at this point, maybe having to make that disclaimer is about as annoying as some women get when men say “not all men.” Go figure.

Anyway, it seemed like there was a double standard a lot of times. If a man cheated, obviously, it was because he was the scum of the Earth or something. But if a woman cheated, it’s almost like people ask “what did the he do wrong?” or “ what wasn’t he doing?” 🙄 Talk about victim blaming. In fact, if one were to look into their situations deeper, a lot of times it seems that the men they were cheating on weren’t necessarily even bad men. As far as I know, most of them weren’t abusive alcoholic drunks who gambled their money away and who were deadbeat dads or anything.

I also noticed that a lot of women didn’t seem to have much remorse when it came to cheating, nor much compassion for how much hurt they caused the men they cheated on. Then I came across this video of a man talking about why women don’t feel remorse when they cheat. And I got to tell you ladies, if this really is true for a lot of women, it’s not a good look.

Not only that, but there is a verrry eye-opening book that I highly recommend for people (particularly men) to read called Women’s Infidelity, which was written by a woman. You can check it out by clicking on the link below:


She pretty much exposes how RAMPANT female infidelity is and what it really means when women start talking all that “I’m not happy” stuff when they are married or in relationships. And then people wonder why a lot of men don’t even want to get married anymore. Why would a man want to get into a “business investment” with a 50% (or more) failure rate and, if it fails, he potentially has to pay for the rest of his life, perhaps even losing access to his kids, etc., even if he doesn’t do anything wrong, only if the woman just “falls out of love” with him? The math ain’t mathing! But that’s another lesson 🙂

Anyway, now that I said all of that, why do I say that women’s cheating is worse? First and foremost, I want to say that I don’t condone cheating. I recommend people who aren’t ready to settle down to just stay single. But IF they end up in a relationship that they aren’t feeling, I highly encourage them to try to break it off first before cheating. I know that some situations are more difficult to get out of than others though, but anyway… basically what I’m trying to say is, I’m not justifying men cheating. I know some people may misinterpret things, so let me put that out there so that suckers won’t get it twisted.

That being said, men and women tend to be different in certain ways. And, fortunately or unfortunately, for a lot of men, sex doesn’t have to be all that emotional. I suppose the best way to explain it to a woman is that for many men, having sex can be like getting a massage, albeit the best massage ever. It’s just that instead of getting their backs massaged, they may be getting… something else massaged, but I digress. Anyway, it’s just that for many men, sex simply happens to feel good, and it tends to help if the person they are having sex with is very hot to them. Even so, the same amount of emotional investment you may have towards a masseuse could be the same amount of emotional investment a man could have towards a sexual partner.

Photo by Conscious Design on Unsplash

No, it doesn’t automatically mean that a man doesn’t respect them and doesn’t see them as a human being and all that other neo-feminist crap that some people say (even if such can be true in SOME cases). It’s just that they might think that a woman they sleep with is a cool person, but enjoys having sex with them as an activity, perhaps as platonically as they could enjoy playing a video game with their buddies. It is what it is.

Therefore, it seems like it’s quite possible that when a man cheats on a woman, he may at least think that he still loves her and he may actually not want to leave that woman either. Again, don’t get it twisted, I’m not saying that a man should do such a thing. Not at all. It’s just that it seems quite possible for men to not be emotionally invested with the women that they cheat with, at least not to the degree that they want to leave their wives/girlfriends, destroy their families in the process, etc. In that respect, it seems that a lot of men are just “built different.”

I mean, even in the old days, at least the rich and powerful men had multiple wives and/or maybe a wife and then concubines. With the way so many men talk about being in sexless marriages these days, maybe wives should allow their husbands to have concubines. You know, for whenever they are just constantly not in the mood. I know, maybe I’m being too logical or something.

Anywho, when women cheat, it tends to be a little bit different. For a lot of women, they tend to want some type of connection with the people they have sex with. Granted, that doesn’t happen all the time. Yes, women can hook up with random men they meet at a club in a musty bathroom stall and all of that crap as well. And yes, there are female prostitutes, who, obviously, aren’t always that emotionally invested in their clients. Some may actually have a disdain towards men. But generally speaking, it seems that women at least prefer to have some type of connection with the people they have sex with.

Basically what I’m trying to say is, it seems that when women cheat, a lot of times, there is an emotional element to it, and I’m sure that even women would agree that emotional cheating is much worse, yet apparently a lot of women do it all the time. After all ladies, if a man were to cheat on you (hypothetically speaking), would you rather it have been with some random woman he met when he went to Las Vegas with his buddies or would you rather it be some woman he works with who he’s just falling in love with because “she understands him” so much? Yeah, that’s what I thought.

Anyway, when it comes to female infidelity, what’s worse is that a lot of times when women cheat, just like the book Women's Infidelity said,


they may actually be falling out of love or whatever with their significant others and probably want to leave them anyway! And then they’ll probably justify it in all sorts of ways, saying that maybe he wasn’t attentive enough, or some other bull, probably because a lot of women don’t want to take accountability and, instead of being seen as the bad guy, would rather find some sort of way to blame the other person, perhaps to soothe their own consciences or something. But yeah, dude in the video said that a lot of women don’t have any remorse when they cheat. I don’t recall exactly why he said so, but it was probably something along the lines of women having a hypergamous nature and still being attracted to the bigger and better deal, so to speak.

Anyway, this is all really just something that I had on my mind. You can take from this what you want to. Some women may choose to take this as me saying, “Men cheating, good. Women cheating, bad.” If that’s what you choose to think, far be it from me to disturb your happiness. Personally, I think I’m just a bit disturbed by how nonchalant a lot of women on Medium and other online platforms are about cheating on their significant others as if it’s no big deal, despite the clear emotional turmoil that their significant others may go through as a result.

Thank you all for reading the thoughts of what you may presume to be a twisted mind and thank you for any claps, for sharing, and for any comments as well. Take care of yourselves.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
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