avatarDr John Frederick Rose


Woken by Lunar Eclipse.

Bed bathed in red.

Early morning about 5:15 am 29th September 2023. Woken up and look what I beheld! Lunar Eclipse. Picture by John Rose.

Woke up to reddish light bathing bed, Red moon eyes’ color, Picture taken looking west.

Nothing for it, Do my exercises, Must be crazy, Early morning where’s coffee?

Schematic representation of the paths of light from the Sun past Earth causing the Moon to appear reddish during lunar eclipses. By Sanu N, with correction by Eggishorn, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

Forgotten more than I know, Looked it up, Red from moon reflecting light refracted through Earth’s atmosphere, Lunar Eclipse.

Duh! Fancy forgetting, Where’s my coffee?

Lunar Eclipse Traditions.

Father said, Moon’s red reflected light caused by sun’s light passing through polluted atmosphere, According to NASA, Lunar disk’s color also influenced by aerosols and types of particles present in Earth’s atmosphere.

Ancient Egyptians believed eclipse caused by sow swallowing Moon for short time, Indigestion?

Mayan tradition moon swallowed by jaguar, Big jaws.

Like Mayans, Incans believed jaguar ate moon, Once finished repast came down with intention of devouring all Earth’s animals, Incans took spears and shouted at Moon Scaring jaguar away.

Ancient Greeks correctly believed Earth was round, Used eclipse’s shadow as evidence.

Hindus believe importance of bathing in Ganges River following eclipse helped achieve ultimate salvation.

Ancient China solar and lunar eclipses regarded as heavenly signs foretelling Emperor’s future, Ancient Chinese believed that dragon attacked moon during lunar eclipses.

Blood moon prophecies based on red lunar eclipse being moon turning to blood by fundamentalist christian preachers John Hagee and Mark Biltz, Signalled beginning end times.

Blessed be.

Blood Moon
Lunar Eclipse
End Time Prophecy
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