avatarDr. Seema Patel (PhD)


Why you should not be a low self-esteem person

My shadow: Image my author

We may not like to hear it, but we are hierarchical creatures. We are constantly pattern matching and finding our ranking in the socioeconomic hierarchy. We ourselves are evaluating us, putting value tags.

When we think we are not good enough, we slip into low self-esteem. It’s an attack on our ego. We feel restless, and we undergo introspection or cocoon stage of figuring out. We shut the doors like a clam, bury our heads like the proverbial ostrich.

When reached out, we give excuses of being busy. We give inane reasons like church functions, guests visiting, exam preparation, parents’ illness, etc., etc. We are adept at misleading people from the main sore points, which are often relationships, fertility, honor, economics, or health.

I have seen enough low self-esteem people to know it.

When the situation seems favorable, we emerge cautiously. We think, my ulcer is healed now. I have filled up my insecurity. I am feeling better. I am on a upper rung.

We want others to acknowledge it, validate it, and appreciate us.

Unfortunately, it’s annoying.

I have much respect for people who open up about their problems. The rifts with spouse, the struggle with fertility, the agony of widowhood, the lingering unemployment etc. etc.

No, not many people do that. Not even close folks.

Shame prevents them from opening up.

It’s unfortunate.

Sharing our personal stories and how courageously we are trying to deal with them could inspire people. That could be our chance to leave an impression, and to transform the life of a fellow human.

There is no glory in lurking in the shadow as a low-esteem person. It’s kind of despicable.

Nobody is seated on the bleachers, judging or booing you, as you falter. They are rather looking up to you, how you pick yourself up from the dirt after spraining your ligaments.

Come on, face your insecurity. Share how you are handling it. How you are finding the ray of light in the dark, cloistered cavern. How are you untangling the knotty yarn of life? How are you planning to solve the complex calculus problems of life?

Inspire and exalt yourself.

Personal Development
Personal Growth
Self Esteem
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