

Why You Should Never Take Things Personally

Taking Something Personally Is Literally The Stupidest Thing You Can Do, Here’s Why.

Photo by Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

Taking something personally is one of the stupidest, most selfish things you can do.

Personal Importance — The maximum expression of selfishness. “Because we make the assumption that everything is about us.”

The truth is that there is literally nothing that you can take personally. Yet it is something that we all do.

When you take something personally it can mess your life up in many different ways:

  • You can say something that destroys your relationships.
  • Do something compulsively with immense negative consequences
  • And cause so many other problems that can negatively impact your life.

On the other hand, if you understand and practice the core principle contained herein.

  • You will be able to never take something personally again.
  • You will learn how to forgive and forget with ease.
  • And live a life of peace, decided on your own terms.

Rather than a life that is constantly influenced by the actions and opinions of others.

People Unconscious

The truth is that so many people are completely unconscious.

Half the time they have no idea what they are thinking, or where they are thinking from, yet still have the audacity to spew nonsense from their mouth.

It’s honestly baffling.

What many people don’t know is that they have been domesticated and programmed into beliefs and “agreements” that aren’t their own.

Since being born we are programmed into what is right and what is wrong, what is possible and what is impossible, what we are and what we aren’t.

And we never got a say in our conscious choice in these matters. We just accepted them and agreed upon them.

All of these things are stored in the subconscious mind which guides and influences your life.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious it will guide your life and you will call it fate”

Carl Jung

So whenever we have something to say about another person, it has nothing to do with the other person. It is entirely based on our programmed values, beliefs, and agreements.

And when someone says something about us, it has nothing to do with us. It is their values, beliefs, and programs.

It is their own insecurities and limited perspectives of reality that they are projecting upon us. Nothing to do with what we actually are.

So to take it personally is to accept this nonsense, and ingest the poison of someone else’s mental diarrhea.

Which I’m not interested in.

Perception is Projection

Carl Jung, a world-renowned psychologist discovered that we can only perceive in another person what is unconscious within ourselves.

For example:

If you think highly of someone else it is because you think highly of yourself, and you see the same trait within them. And vice versa if you think poorly of someone else.

So if someone is highly critical of you, it is because they are highly critical of themselves. If someone is mean obnoxious and rude to you, best believe it is because they are mean obnoxious, and rude to themselves.

It has nothing to do with you and everything to do with their own self-perception.

So why take something personally?

Why open yourself up to the same negativity and poison that that person is experiencing?

Why allow yourself to dive into the garbage bin that is their mind and have their own personal drama affect your life?

Easy to say, much more difficult to do.

But on the other side of doing this is your own inner peace, your own conscious judgment, your own free will.

And your ability to be the deciding factor in what you are and what you aren’t through the lens of your own self-love.

And retain the ability to not be affected by the mental diarrhea that affects so many people’s minds.

It’s called mental diarrhea because they have no control over the shit that comes out of their minds. This is the nature of diarrhea.

Don’t Take Things Personally

This is the second agreement in the book The Four Agreements and it is a damn good agreement.

When you take something personally you agree to engage in the nonsense of someone else’s mental diarrhea. Mental diarrhea that has absolutely nothing to do with you.

It is their own diarrhea, let it be there’s.

Understand that if someone has something to say about you, it is because they have something to say about themselves.

Through this, you will always retain the deciding power of your own peace of mind. You will manage your system of mind, body, and spirit harmoniously and live a joyous life.

Rather than a life of being pushed and pulled by other people’s bullshit.

Is that not an incredible power?

Self Improvement
Personal Development
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