avatarStephanie A. James


The article challenges the notion that wealth and the "millionaire mindset" are synonymous with success, emphasizing that true success is multifaceted and personal.


The concept of success is widely misunderstood, often being equated with the attainment of wealth or the "millionaire mindset." This article argues that success is not solely defined by financial gain but rather by personal fulfillment, happiness, and the impact one has on others. It cites various examples, including Mother Teresa, Tony Hsieh, and Martin Luther King Jr., to illustrate that success can manifest through passion, purpose, and contribution to society. The article suggests that success is more about achieving personal goals, leaving a legacy, and finding joy in one's achievements rather than simply acquiring wealth. It also warns against the potential pitfalls of wealth, such as misuse or a lack of fulfillment, and encourages individuals to define success on their own terms, focusing on their passions and the value they add to the world.


  • Wealth does not automatically equate to success; success is subjective and varies from person to person.
  • Achieving a goal or desired result, not just wealth accumulation, is a key component of success.
  • Passion and the pursuit of one's interests can lead to greater happiness and success than the mere possession of money.
  • Success can be found in helping others, leaving a legacy, or making a significant impact on society.
  • The "millionaire mindset" is not a guarantee of success; it is the behaviors, attitudes, and achievements that truly define success.
  • Financial success can be fleeting and does not ensure long-term fulfillment or happiness.
  • Knowing one's "why" and having a clear purpose can drive success more effectively than the pursuit of wealth alone.
  • Success can be achieved through persistence and determination, as demonstrated by individuals who have overcome repeated failures.
  • The true measure of success is the value one adds to the world, not the wealth one accumulates.

Why You Should Get Rid Of The Millionaire Mindset If You Think It Will Make You Successful

Photo by Kylie De Guia on Unsplash

Being a millionaire does not mean you are successful.

Being a person that strives to become a millionaire does not mean that you will be successful.

If you equate being a millionaire to being successful, think again.

What you think is success, may not be success to other people.

First let’s define success. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary success is defined as a measure of succeeding. It also means achieving a desired result. And maybe the most overused definition is wealth gain. The latter definition can be how people measure success. Or they think that setting a goal of obtaining wealth is the only option to be successful. People have this way of thinking and it has become an engrained mindset.

Speaking of thinking, there is a lot of talk on thinking and having a mindset of positivity or the right mindset.

You may have heard if you want to accomplish great things, you have to have a mindset that great things will come.

If you want to achieve a goal, you have to believe you can achieve it. It all starts in the mind.

If you want to be a millionaire, it is advised to have a millionaire mindset. You have to adopt the millionaire habits.

Having a millionaire mindset could include thinking of having multiple streams of income is what will give you millionaire status. Or waking up at 4:59 am, will help you have a more productive day. But having a millionaire mindset, won’t make you successful.

This very thought-provoking topic is what I pondered on after watching a video on financing expert and author Dave Ramsey’s Youtube channel. That video had me thinking that even if you only earned $12,000 a year, you can be successful. No matter how much you make, it does not mean you are not successful. The video I am referring to on Ramsey’s channel is entitled, “Can You Still Be ‘Successful’ only making $35,000.”

By the way, if you are not familiar with videos that are posted on Ramsey’s channel, I will quickly tell you. There are videos uploaded on his channel that feature audio from finance related question calls that are made to his show. In the video about being successful, the caller posed the question in reference to being successful while making an income in the $30,000s a year. Show cohost Ken Coleman asked the caller would he consider Mother Teresa successful and why. The caller responded by saying that Mother Teresa helped a lot of people. And in response, Coleman agreed with the caller.

Mother Teresa seems like she had a passion for tremendously helping people.

Passion can make you successful. Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh talked about this very thing.

“Stop chasing the money and start chasing the passion, said Hsieh.

Passions can make you happy. Having a million-dollar net worth will not make you happy. A former United States president knew this.

“Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.” said late 32nd President Franklin D Roosevelt during his inaugural address.

Now when I think about joy it is more than happiness. Or as I like to put it; it is beyond happiness. That brings me to millionaire and the word “Beyond.”

You need to have certain behaviors or attitudes to be successful.

What achievement will you have accomplished at millionaire status?

What type of success are you trying to gain?

Is it to leave a legacy for your children?

Is it to help 500,000 people?

Your passion may give you purpose. It may give you your why.

Entrepreneur Lisa Nichols says know your why. Nichols, who people have referred to as a motivational speaker went from being a financially strapped single mother to being a business owner with a million dollar net worth.

“The two most important days of your life are the day you are born and the day you know your why,” Nichols said.

Nichols did an interview with Spence Lodge where she talked about gifts.

“I am obedient to use my gifts to touch your gifts,” Nichols said.

Pastor Martin Luther King was successful in leading a nonviolent strategy to a path for civil rights, which earned him a Nobel Peace Prize.

Success can be as simple as giving back to the community. That is what Anaheim restaurant owner Frank Garcia has done. Garcia has provided Thanksgiving meals to hundreds of people every year since 1986.

Now let’s go to the medical field, many people may think that becoming a doctor is being successful. Hey they do make a good living.

According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median income for physicians and surgeons was $229,300. But what people do not realize is there are mistakes that can be made that could hinder a successful surgery. Prime example is a mistake that was made in 2006. In that year, an 84-year-old patient was scheduled to have her gall bladder removed at the Massachusetts based Milford Regional Medical Center. The surgeon instead took out her right kidney after misreading lab tests. This mistake caused the surgeon to receive five years probation from the state medical board.

You can say that the next person I am about to talk about was successful after being persistent. That person is Astronaut Jose Hernandez kept up pursuing to become an astronaut despite his astronaut training program application being turned down 11 times. On the dozenth try, in May 2004 NASA selected him to be an astronaut candidate.

You can say that the writer strike in 2023 was success. Why was it successful? Because a deal was made in September 2023 in favor of the Hollywood writers to earn more money.

Now when it comes to financial success or as we may think you become successful because you are rich. That is totally a different story. If you have arrived at becoming a millionaire, does that make you successful?

You could do all the wrong things with the money. You could buy a lot of alcohol and become drunk every other day. You could blow the money quickly. That has happened before. As a matter of fact, according to Market Watch in August 2023 3.5 million lost their millionaire status.

Yes, we have different books that talk about mindset like the book entitled Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill.

“I realize the dominating thoughts of my mind will eventually reproduce themselves in outward, physical action and gradually transform themselves into physical reality,” this is a sentence written in the book.

Based on my reading the book and other information your impact can make you successful.

In conclusion, success comes in different forms and a millionaire mindset may not be the way to success. Remember these words from Albert Einstein.

“Strive not be a success, but rather to be of value,” said Einstein.

The route to add value can be a long path.

So I will ask you a question. How do you measure success?

Photo by Stephen Leonardi on Unsplash
Success Driven
Success Defined
Millionaire Mind
Millionaire Mindset
Lisa Nichols
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