avatarAmey Deo


Why Superficial Networking Won’t Cut It Anymore

“Opportunities are endless when you have the skill of networking with the right people.”

Let me rephrase it:

“Opportunities are endless when you build strong relationships with the right people.”

I’ve always had a sort of an allergy to the word ‘networking,’ which comes from my pointless experiences of superficial ‘meet and greet’ kind of networking events (both online and offline).

Relationships, however, are a much more productive form of meeting new people — with a clear purpose — “How can I help you in whatever it is that you’re trying to achieve?” without any expectation of getting something in return.

I know, I know — This sounds counterintuitive! This world is miles away from an ideal place. It might seem like if people knew this, they would use me and take advantage of me. And the world is littered with people who are lurking in every corner ready to pounce on me and suck the blood off me with the slightest chance they get and I’m going to die on a scrap heap of broken dreams with my mouth filled with bitter ash of failure — Blah! Blah! And Blahhh! Just bear with me.

My point is 90% of the time the connection you make with the intention of “networking” will be a short-term fizzle.

Connections built to form a lasting “relationship” can provide quality over quantity.

· It’s a more efficient use of your time. · You’re investing your energy into deepening the relationship with the person, not their position. · Trust can be gained and the benefit is mutual.

In the long term, such relationships can be potential mentors and sponsors.

· They will be more inclined to invest time to help you to advance your career. · They’ll be more open to sharing valuable insights, advice, and guidance from their personal experiences, which they may not share with their broader network. · Having someone who can speak about your skills and character in your absence is one of the most valuable endorsements you can have.

Such relationships can lead to lasting friendships.

· It’s way easier to be vulnerable (which is also a sign of strength) with your friends than with your network. · Like-minded individuals can benefit each other’s professional goals. · Friendships in a professional setting can boost your confidence and well-being in the context of your work.

Photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash

Dream opportunities come once in a while. As they say — It’s not really about the destination — It’s about the journey! It’s not really about the results — It’s about the process. Because most of our lives are spent on the journey, in the process. It better be worth it.

Do you see any value in building relationships over mere connections? Let’s chat!

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