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Why Most People Never Succeed: Missing the Simplest Key

The Untold Power of Showing Up and Staying Curious in Achieving Goals

Photo by Taton Moïse on Unsplash

“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”~ Albert Einstein

When you try something new, how long do you typically stick with it?

If you’re a college graduate, how long did it take you to graduate?

I think it’s safe to assume that you didn’t make it 3 weeks into the first semester of Freshman year and quit because you hadn’t earned the degree yet.

If you were willing to dedicate four years (or more) of your life and tens of thousands of dollars to pursuing a degree that had absolutely no guarantee of your return on investment, why wouldn’t you put the same time and dedication into starting a business, a blog, that YouTube channel you keep putting off.

See what I’m getting at?

The number one most overlooked key to success is:

Keep Showing Up

For those of you who have read Napoleon Hill’s book: Think and Grow Rich, you know how the old tail goes:

R.U. Darby and his uncle, after initially discovering gold in Colorado, stopped digging when the vein vanished, selling their equipment and property cheaply to a junk man. The junk man consulted an expert and found that the gold was just three feet from where the Darbys stopped and ended up earning millions from the mine.

My personal rule of thumb is don’t start anything unless you’re willing to stick to it for at least 90 days.

I refuse to call any effort a failed effort until I hit that mark, and even then in most cases 90 days isn’t nearly enough time.

No matter what the goal is you are pursuing, learning a new skill, starting a new business, or even trying to make new friends or meet the love of your life. Put in the effort and stick with it.

You’ll be amazed what you can accomplish when you show up, and stick with it.

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