Why is it hard to make friends in Germany?
It can be hard for foreigners to make friends in Germany. A large number of people who visit Germany do not know the language. Because of this problem, they face difficulties in starting a conversation with German people.
It won’t be hard if you come as a student. because student life offers opportunities to meet classmates , professors, and other participants in activities. As we all know, universities offer a very vibrant social scene. There are different types of clubs. You can join one of these clubs to interact with people. Universities also organize different types of events. At these events, you meet people who share your passion and curiosity. These events also give you opportunities to practice your German skills as well.
Some YouTube videos and surveys give the impression that Germans are not friendly people. They are not open to foreigners. I think it is an overgeneralization. In my opinion, there are some factors that make it difficult for foreigners to befriend Germans. I will not say it is outright disliked.
I think Germans have a different approach to socializing than foreigners who have come from different backgrounds. Foreigners think their approach strange and term it lack of openness.
My son-in-law and daughter have been living in Munich, Germany, for many years. Both of them have learned the German language, and they have established good relations with their German friends, colleagues, and families. My son-in-law came as student.
They came from a very different culture and religion than the Germans. As they have made Germany their home. They did not allow their cultural differences to be an impediment to building relations with Germans.
I visited Germany in March 2023. Before going to Germany, I brushed up on my German. I had learned German when I was working with AEG Telefunken. I read German papers and learned about German politics and culture. This helped me start a conversation with people during my stay in Munich.
Unfortunately, most Muslims develop strange behaviors. When they are in their countries. They are not very religious. The moment they landed in Germany, they started behaving like pious Muslims and looked down upon Germans.
I think they must not do so. They have landed in Germany for a better future and life. They are not there to preach Islam.
They should behave like common men and women. They should make friends with their neighbors and office colleagues. Only this way can they integrate into German society