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Why I write on Medium

Sweetest online publishing platform yet?

Photo by hannah grace on Unsplash

After discovering my knack for the art of writing at age 13, I’ve been writing for the past 10 years; online for about only 4 years.

Over the past years, I have read Medium articles that popped up after googling a subject matter, but I only got to know Medium for what it really was last month while reading “The art and business of online writing”- a very remarkable book by Nicolas Cole.

Funny, right?

Well, I quickly signed up and watched a few videos on YouTube about Medium and honestly, I fell in love with the platform even before I started writing here.

I know that most writers like myself just want a place to unwind in comfort and be real to ourselves with our words. Sometimes, we just want to be a part of a community of intelligent wordsmiths who can relate with us in a number of ways.

I can confidently say that Medium is currently that place for me.

After ghostwriting for online clients for a year, I started to feel a void. A void that could only be filled with my writing. Paradoxically, I felt stuffed with so much that I wanted to share with the rest of the world, and I’m really glad that I get to do it here.

If you’re thinking that I’m writing all of this because medium pays writers for their writing, sorry to burst your bubble but it’s far from that because my country is currently not eligible for the Medium Partner Program. And I don’t have a blog either.

But of course it would be nice to be a part of the partner program someday, yet that is not what fuels me to write.

It is rather the joy of hitting the publish or submit button ready to share with a massive audience some tips to help them be better versions of themselves, or what transpired in your day, or maybe a light bulb moment you had that you feel will be relevant to them. The icing on the cake is definitely the highlights and responses other writers and readers leave on your story which is a very true reflection of the intelligent and supportive community we have here.

After a week and 6 stories, with the support of publication owners like Robert Ralph, Martynas Ki. (@strangecash), Dr Mehmet Yildiz, Jonathan Townend, RMN, Warren Brown and Diana C., I was able to garner 43 followers, 123 views and 85 reads. It may not look like much, but I see this as a big first step and I’m grateful to all these publications and the ones I am yet to submit stories to.

I can’t wait to see how far we’ll go after a month. I’ll let you know how that goes.

New Writers
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