Why I Won’t Be Walking My Dog In The Woods For A While
Or any autumn for that matter

Over the weekend, my little dog, Rum, was ill. I woke to the sound of him crying, which is unusual. He was desperate to go outside and do his business which also isn’t like him. He had tummy problems and wouldn’t leave my side, shaking like a leaf with his usually point ears hanging low. My first thought and fear was that perhaps he had Seasonal Canine Illness.
Seasonal Canine Illness is:
The symptoms include vomiting, diarrhoea, no appetite and muscle tremors amongst other problems. Rum was shaking, so I wondered if he had the muscle tremors as well as diarrhoea and no appetite. All the walks around my area are woodland, to a certain extent, and I decided to just walk him in the village instead from now on, until December to be on the safe side. I am terrified of risking him catching SCI.
Within a few hours, Rum had perked up, so whatever was going on, it’s over now and he’s as bright and vocal and annoying as ever but it was a scary few hours, thinking he was potentially very ill.