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Why I Left the REPUBLICAN Party

I’m the first person in my family to become a Democrat.

(image created by HERZ)

(Lois Hunt for HERZ)

I just couldn’t take it anymore. Today I quit the Republican Party and became a Democrat.

My mother was devastated. She loved the Reagans and the Bushes. She held her nose and voted for Trump twice (I just couldn’t do it and stayed home both times he ran). Today I told her — I just couldn’t see any other way out now that Dictator Trump firmly controls every aspect of the Republican party and has redefined what a Republican is.

In my mind the title “Republican” has come to mean Anti-American. Putin adjacent. It means bigot and fascist (we only like Blacks who are willing to stay in their place; we hate immigrants; we don’t want Black children learning Black history cause we feel like the whole world should forget the sins of our ancestors)— Republican means woman hater — enemy of the poor and downtrodden. And sadly it means Trump Psycho-Puppet.

Of course everyone in the Republican Party will cry out that I’m just a bitter traitor who doesn’t understand ‘the movement.’ But this article is about me alone — and why I’m too embarrassed to be part of a trainwreck ride that I see as way too far to the right at this point.

My mom hugged me and said: “I love you no matter what. You’re my daughter…but you know what this means.”

This makes me the first person in my family to become a Democrat. I will be VOTING FOR BIDEN in the fall and it’s considered — truly shameful.

My family came to America a little over 190 years ago from England, Scotland and Wales. Unfortunately, the original members were deeply racist and owned slaves.

In 1924, my great-great-great grandfather was shunned for getting a divorce and remarrying. That’s all he did wrong — married his mistress. In the 1940’s when my great Aunt married an Irishman — she was kicked out of the family. In the 1960’s when another Aunt married a Jewish man — she was given the cold shoulder and her children were never treated as though they belonged. Her husband, however, was willing to change his Jewish surname and was so self-hating against fellow Jewish people that they weren’t disowned — just shunned.

My father (deceased) was a long time FBI agent and one of the cruelest most sinister human beings I have ever known. I’m sure he’s turning over in his grave right now. Good!

Though I love and respect my Mom (because she’s always suffered greatly at the hands of our family) — I was always embarrassed to be a member of my family. I wrote this article a few days ago in case you didn’t see it:


Anyway. I’m a DEMOCRAT now. Not particularly proud — but it makes me feel more American. And that’s all I’ve ever wanted to be is a good American.

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