

The author writes on Medium for personal fulfillment and the joy of connecting with readers, regardless of the size of their audience.


The author expresses a deep satisfaction in writing for Medium, viewing it as a form of self-expression akin to singing in the shower, where the act itself is the reward. Despite a modest readership, the author values the authenticity of their voice and the impact their words can have, even if it's just reaching a few individuals. Writing serves as a therapeutic outlet, allowing the author to explore a range of thoughts and experiences, from existential musings to the humor in life's awkward moments. The true measure of success for the author lies in the joy of writing and the genuine connections made with readers, rather than in the pursuit of viral fame or accolades.


  • Writing on Medium is seen as a personal, introspective conversation rather than a quest for popularity.
  • The author appreciates the intrinsic value of their writing and the ability to provoke thought or emotion in others, even if it's on a small scale.
  • A large audience is considered a bonus, not the primary goal, of writing.
  • Authenticity in expression is prioritized over crafting content aimed at achieving virality.
  • Success in writing is measured by the author's satisfaction with their work and the positive impact it has on individuals, rather than by external metrics.
  • The author finds humor and catharsis in the ordinary and often overlooked aspects of life, such as awkward interactions and questionable decisions.
  • The act of writing is a source of joy and catharsis, and the process is just as important as the outcome.

Why I Keep Writing on Medium Despite Limited Readership

Photo by Roksolana Zasiadko on Unsplash

You know, there’s a peculiar charm in whispering into the void. It’s like singing in the shower, but instead of water, you’re drenched in words and metaphors. I’ve been writing on Medium for a while now, and let’s be honest, my readership isn’t exactly breaking records. But here’s the kicker: I don’t really care. Yeah, you heard that right.

Writing, for me, isn’t a popularity contest. It’s a raw, unfiltered conversation with myself. And if a few souls happen to eavesdrop, well, that’s just a bonus. I remember this one evening, I was sitting at this quaint little coffee shop. The kind of place that’s so hipster, it probably doesn’t even know it’s hipster. I was typing away, lost in a sea of thoughts about existential dread or maybe it was cats… honestly, it’s a toss-up.

And then, this barista, with a beard that would make a lumberjack envious, leans over and says, “Hey, I read your piece on Medium. It was… different.” Different. Not mind-blowing, not life-changing, just… different. But that’s the beauty of it. My words had reached another human being and made them feel something. Even if it was just a mild confusion or a curious eyebrow raise.

Writing on Medium isn’t about chasing virality or fishing for compliments. It’s about the gritty, the quirky, the downright bizarre thoughts that claw their way out of my brain. It’s about authenticity, unapologetic and unbridled. Sure, a larger audience would be great, but it’s not the endgame. The endgame is to keep spilling ink (or pixels, I guess) in a way that’s true to me.

There’s this piece I wrote once, about how life is essentially a series of awkward interactions and questionable decisions. It got like, what, ten claps? Maybe twelve on a good day. But among those claps was someone who said it made them laugh on a particularly rough day. That, my friends, is why I keep at it. For those small, almost invisible moments of connection. Those tiny sparks in an otherwise dark room.

In a world obsessed with metrics and statistics, I choose to measure success differently. Success is the smirk that forms when I write a particularly snarky line. It’s the catharsis of pouring out thoughts that have been fermenting in the back of my mind. It’s about finding joy in the process, not just the outcome.

So, here I am, still tapping away on Medium, sending my words into the abyss. Maybe they’ll find a home in someone’s thoughts, maybe they’ll just float aimlessly. But either way, I’ll keep writing. Because in the end, it’s not about the readership. It’s about being unashamedly, wonderfully, me.

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