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Why I Gave Perfection the Pink Slip for Better Results?

“Perfection” affects “Progress”

Photo by Jay-Pee Peña 🇵🇭 on Unsplash

Hey, I would like to share why I quit the perfection game and how it’s actually made my life way better. It might raise an eyebrow or two, but by saying goodbye to the idea that everything’s gotta be perfect, I’ve found more success and happiness. So, buckle up for this article where I’ll walk you through my journey of ditching perfection and sprinkle in some real-life tales to make it all click.

The Perfectionist Headache

Once upon a time, I was the captain of Team Perfection. I believed that every single thing I did had to be 110% flawless. But guess what? That rigidity got me into hot water:

1. Procrastination: I’d put stuff on the back burner because I thought I had to have a perfect game plan before kicking off.

2. Stress and Jitters: Trying to be perfect made my stress-o-meter go through the roof. I’d stay up at night stressing about not making any mistakes.

3. Opportunities Slipping Away: My endless quest for perfection locked me into a comfort zone. I was so scared of falling flat on my face that I’d shy away from risks and chances to spread my wings.

Why I Started Giving Imperfection a Hug

So, what pushed me to embrace imperfection? Well, I woke up to the fact that being a perfectionist was more like a straight-jacket than a passport to success. I decided to loosen the reins and let in a little imperfection:

1. Getting Stuff Done: Embracing imperfection helped me realize that it’s okay to dive in even if things aren’t spot on. I started taking action faster and checked off more boxes.

Example: Back when I penned stuff, I’d waste hours fine-tuning the perfect opening. Now, I’d just jot down a rough start and polish it up later. Result? I’d churn out more words in less time.

2. Learning and Blooming: Mistakes stopped being a dirty word. Embracing imperfection meant I was game for new experiences and ready to learn from my hiccups.

Example: I tried my hand at running a small business, and one of my products nosedived initially. Instead of hitting panic mode, I put on my thinking cap and gave the product a makeover. Boom! The next version was a hit.

3. Chillin’ Vibes: Ditching the quest for perfection dialed down my stress levels big time. I felt lighter, happier, and it showed in my overall well-being.

Example: Event planning used to be my stress zone, fretting over every single detail. But post-imperfection, I’d zoom out and focus on the big picture. Guess what? Events became smoother, and everyone had a blast.

4. Better Results, Who Knew? This one’s the kicker: embracing imperfection led to better results. By taking action and learning from slip-ups, I found myself on the success highway in various parts of life.

Example: In my fitness journey, I’d sweat the small stuff, perfect workout plans, and the ideal diet. But once I embraced imperfection, I experimented, tweaked, and my fitness levels soared.

The Bottom Line

Embracing imperfection has been a roller-coaster ride, but boy, has it paid off. It’s amped up my productivity and opened doors to growth. By letting go of the perfection pressure, I’ve discovered more success and joy in my journey. So, if you’re on team perfection and it’s cramping your style, consider the perks of embracing imperfection. It could be your golden ticket to ace your adventure.

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Overcoming Perfectionism
Perfectionism Disorder
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