Why I Don’t Worry About World War III
I used to be obsessed with the idea of World War III. I would read the news every day, looking for signs of the impending doom. I would watch documentaries, listen to podcasts, and read books about the history and the causes of the previous world wars. I would imagine the worst-case scenarios, and how I would survive them.
But then, I realized that this was a waste of time and energy. I realized that worrying about World War III was not helping me, but hurting me. It was making me anxious, depressed, and paranoid. It was distracting me from the present, and preventing me from enjoying the life I have.
So, I decided to change my perspective. I decided to stop worrying about World War III, and to start focusing on my own life. I decided to cultivate my own garden, as Voltaire said¹.
What does that mean? It means that I concentrate on what I can control and improve in my life, rather than on what I can't. It means that I work on my personal and professional goals, my hobbies and passions, my relationships and friendships. It means that I find happiness and satisfaction in my own achievements and experiences, rather than in external circumstances.
Does that mean that I ignore the world and its problems? No, of course not. I still care about the world and its people. I still stay informed and aware of the current events and issues. I still support and participate in the causes and movements that I believe in.
But I don't let them consume me. I don't let them overwhelm me. I don't let them define me.
I know that the world is not perfect. I know that there are many challenges and conflicts that could lead to a global war. I know that there are many factors and actors that could prevent or contain it. I know that the risk of World War III is not zero, but it is not inevitable either.
I also know that the world is not hopeless. I know that there are many opportunities and solutions that could foster a global peace. I know that there are many factors and actors that could promote or achieve it. I know that the possibility of World Peace is not zero, but it is not impossible either.
I don't know what the future will bring. I don't know if World War III will happen or not. I don't know if World Peace will happen or not.
But I know what I can do now. I know that I can cultivate my own garden. I know that I can live my own life.
And that's enough for me.
Resources: (1) Candide, chapitre 30 (XXX), "il faut bien cultiver notre jardin ....” https://lescoursjulien.com/candide-chapitre-30-xxx-il-faut-bien-cultiver-notre-jardin-excipit-voltaire-commentaire. (2) Il faut cultiver son jardin - La douce philosophie de Voltaire - Bio Ambra. https://www.bio-ambra.com/psycho-sante/voltaire-cultiver-son-jardin/.