avatarVicki Spannagel


A woman in her 50s decides to relocate and start over after experiencing significant life changes and dissatisfaction with her current living conditions in Florida.


After moving to Florida in her 30s to be closer to her aging father, the author finds herself ready for another major change at 54. Despite previous declarations that her Florida home would be her last, the death of her father, rising costs, traffic, crime, and extreme weather have diminished the state's appeal. With a mix of fear and excitement, she embarks on a journey to find a new home, knowing that this time, she must navigate the transition without her father's guidance. The decision to uproot her life so close to retirement age is daunting, but she is committed to forging a new path, keeping only her husband by her side in this next chapter.


  • The author initially believed Florida would be her final home, indicating a strong sense of contentment at the time of the move.
  • She expresses a sense of loss and disillusionment with Florida, citing increased expenses, traffic, crime, and harsh summers as contributing factors to her decision to leave.
  • The author acknowledges feeling scared and uncertain about starting over, especially without her father's support.
  • Despite the fear, there is an underlying tone of optimism and determination to embrace the changes ahead.
  • She values her relationship with her husband, as he remains a constant in her life amidst the significant changes.
  • The author hints at a sense of personal growth and acceptance of adult responsibilities as she prepares to make major decisions independently.

Why I Decided to Start Over After Age 50

I may be totally off my rocker.

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

When I was 30, my husband and I picked up our lives in Pennsylvania and moved to Florida to be closer to my dad.

I come from a small family that consisted, at that time, of my dad and brother. So wanting to live closer to my aging father wasn’t a strange request.

So, we put our home up for sale and moved to Florida.

I was so excited. I mean, who doesn’t want to live in Florida? Well, other than my husband — he wasn’t thrilled but went along with it anyway.

We eventually sold our house in PA and bought a new house in FL.

When we moved into our new house I swore I was NEVER moving again! This was going to be my last house. I was settled, and I was happy.

Fast forward 20 years…..

My dad passed away.

Owning a home in Florida is becoming more expensive by the year.

Horrible traffic.

Increased crime at an alarming rate.

And it seems like the summers are getting hotter and longer.

Florida doesn’t hold any appeal to me any longer.

So, at the age of 54, I decided it was time to uproot our lives and start all over….again.

Part of me feels like I’m insane. Starting over from scratch at an age when I should be thinking of retirement.

Instead, I’m thinking about a new house, job, and state….new everything. Well, except for my husband…he’s grown on me, so I’m keeping him!

And it scares the crap out of me!

Not just starting over but starting over in an entirely new state.

And this time I won’t have my dad to help me move, to point me in the right direction, and to guide my decisions so I don’t thoroughly f*** up.

I guess now I’m officially an adult and have to make grown-up decisions on my own….and it scares the crap out of me!

But there’s no turning back now. We’ve sold our house and are looking at new homes in what I hope will be our new home state.

Have I made the biggest mistake of my life by starting completely over at my age?

I guess time will tell….stay tuned…..

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Over 50
Starting Over
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