avatarVasilena V.


The website content discusses the importance of committing fully to one's goals, overcoming distractions, and achieving a balanced approach to life to attain success and fulfillment.


The author shares personal insights on the transformative power of adopting an "all-in" mentality, emphasizing the need to focus on passions and eliminate distractions to achieve remarkable results. Highlighting the detrimental impact of daily distractions, such as social media and television, the author advocates for a wholeness approach that balances various aspects of life, including family, personal interests, business, and social connections. This approach is presented as a way to minimize the risk of setbacks and ensure a fulfilling life. The author reflects on their journey of overcoming distractions by creating a plan, leading to increased organization, discipline, and financial stability, as well as personal happiness and reduced stress. The narrative uses the metaphor of skydiving to illustrate the fear and exhilaration of committing fully to one's dreams and the support received from the community, inspiring others, including the author's children, to pursue their own ventures.


  • The author believes that unapologetic dedication to one's goals is crucial for success, despite potential criticism from others.
  • Distractions, particularly from social media and television, are seen as significant hindrances to productivity and personal growth.
  • A balanced life, or "wholeness," is favored over perfection in a single area, as it allows for richness and fulfillment across multiple facets of life.
  • The author suggests that there is a fundamental difference in value systems, with men tending toward perfection and women toward wholeness.
  • Taking accountability and making conscious choices about how one spends their time is essential for personal and professional success.
  • The act of going all in is likened to skydiving, representing a leap of faith that can lead to profound experiences and achievements.
  • The support of friends, mentors, and family is crucial when embarking on a journey of radical commitment to one's passions.
  • By sharing their journey, the author aims to inspire readers to embrace their passions, silence distractions, and take control of their lives, potentially leading to extraordinary outcomes.

Why I Decided to Go All In

Life Lessons That Actually Work

Photo by Jeremy Dorrough on Unsplash

In a world filled with distractions and the constant pull of various responsibilities, it’s easy to lose sight of our passions and dreams.

However, the key to achieving true success often lies in wholeheartedly committing to our goals and going all in.

In this story, I will share with all of you the importance of focusing on your pursuits, living your passion, and eliminating distractions to achieve remarkable results.

The All-In Mentality

Many people hesitate to fully commit to their aspirations, fearing judgment or criticism from others. However, embracing an all-in mentality means unapologetically dedicating yourself to your goals, even when others question your obsession. Yes, most people might not understand you and might ask you, "Why are you so obsessed, man?”.

But you know that this level of commitment can be the driving force behind transformative change, not only for yourself but also for your family and community.

Overcoming Distractions

Distractions are silent productivity killers that often go unnoticed. The average person spends hours each day on social media and television consumption, inadvertently squandering valuable time. By recognizing and reducing these distractions, you can regain countless workdays throughout the year, allowing you to focus on what truly matters.

Distraction Impact:

  • One hour of daily distraction equates to four workdays per month.
  • Over the course of a year, this can amount to 52 workdays lost.
  • Reducing distractions means gaining more time for meaningful pursuits.

My personal recipe is having a plan.

Great, and how on Earth would I do that, you would ask?

As far as I need to balance multiple aspects of life, I chose the wholeness approach (not the perfectionism one). What is this approach about?

Instead of staking everything on a single pursuit, I am striving for harmony across various dimensions of my life:

  • I prioritize family, personal interests, business, and a diverse social network.
  • This approach minimizes the risk of catastrophic setbacks if one aspect of life encounters difficulties.
  • While I am not achieving exceptional success in any single area, I am experiencing richness and fulfillment across multiple facets of life.

Carl Jung observed that men tend to gravitate toward perfection, while women seek wholeness. This distinction suggests that there is a fundamental difference in value systems.

  • Perfection entails sacrificing everything for one area of life.
  • Wholeness embraces a balanced and multidimensional life.

So, it’s your choice what you would prefer for yourself. It’s not an easy one, so take your time. It took me almost 10 years of my life to do that. And I have never been more happy and confident that it was the right choice.

Great, and what the heck does this have to do with overcoming distractions and having a plan?

Well, guys, it has everything to do with taking accountability for your life and making a conscious choice. The moment I realized I was losing approximately 4–5 workdays per month in distractions with buls***t was the moment I decided to focus on my priorities (not on a single pursuit) and built a plan on how to balance them all.

The result is more than impressive:

  • I am much more organized and disciplined — my kids have a tight agenda, my business runs extremely well and I even have some spare time for myself (for writing on Medium) and my partner
  • I stopped losing money. As a part-time coach, 4-5 workdays a month means approximately 25 hours of coaching, which is around 2000 USD per month
  • I am at peace with myself. No more blame, no more chaos, no more fights over who’s accountable for what, and less stress. I know what I need to achieve, I know my path, and I am all in!

The Skydiving Metaphor

So, how should I go all in, change my behavior, and try to balance multiple priorities instead of focusing on a single one, you might ask?

Jumping all in can be a terrifying experience, much like the adrenaline rush of skydiving. The process involves overcoming fear, uncertainty, and self-doubt. When you’re at the edge of that plane, the choice to leap into your dreams can be daunting. But, as with skydiving, once you take that leap, the exhilaration and sense of accomplishment can be unparalleled. As well as enjoying the breathtaking sightseeing of that journey.

Trust me, I have done this at least seven times in my life. And I am ready to do 70 more.

Personal photo of my own skydiving experience in Egypt

The Hero’s Journey

When you go all in, you’re not alone. Just as a skydiver has an experienced partner strapped to their back or holding their hand, there are people in your life and within your community who support this journey. They have your back, ready to help you navigate challenges and celebrate your successes. By going all in, you can become the hero of your own story, inspiring others to follow their passions as well. Honestly, that’s how my kids decided to start their own online business on TeePublic — their mom’s journey inspired them, and I am extremely happy about that, as this was their honest, conscious choice.

The Hero’s Journey:

  • Facing challenges and fears head-on
  • The support of friends, mentors, and allies.
  • Becoming a source of inspiration for others

In a world where distractions are abundant and societal norms often discourage radical commitment to one’s dreams, going all in can be the difference between mediocrity and greatness. Embrace your passions, silence the distractions, choose your priorities, and take that leap of faith. You never know where it might lead, but the journey will be nothing short of extraordinary.

So, are you ready to go all in?

Thank you for joining me on this journey of going all in. So, I will be very glad if you give me a clap, follow Parenteeny, and subscribe to my newsletter.

Thanks a lot; your support means the world to me! ❤

Life Lessons
Self Improvement
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