avatarBin Jiang


Why Friend of Medium is Currently Undervalued (Earn 2X+, Cost 3X, Give 4X)

What we read is “Writers earn 4X when you read their stories”. This actually creates a loop of chain reaction which member will prioritize engagement with Friend before Member because on the back of their mind the 4X earning for writers is irresistible. “The question to ask is 4x of what?”

Image of Friends of Medium Plan page, “to be or not to be”

Perception: the way Medium design this plan is a mind game. (I would not be surprise a 2x or any other plan comes out in the near future) (you are paying for speed)

By joining early is a huge unfair advantage over the system for content creator that writes and post daily. (The Friend of Member attracts more writer engagement on autopilot and at the same time attracts themselves more because the Friend understand the 4x feature best) (Think of it this way, if you can do 4 times less to earn the same amount, why not?)

The Early Adopter Effect (the earlier you join the soon you get the engagement boost by collective perception of what’s in it for writers) (works best if you already have some following with engagements)

Before becoming a Friend on Medium I would like to put this theory into test. (by engagement more with Friend of Medium and share the metrics on this post) Believe it or not this simple logo next to the profile image drive more traffic to your post without you doing anything extra. (The Law of Attraction)

Image of Medium Friend Plan

Reads and engagement is unlimited. (there is no way Medium will keep the same payout rate per read from the start of a post and onward)

Have you ever heard of divide and conquer? (this is a longer term game plan to trim earning rate) (First the August update, then the Friends update) By end of Q1, see if we get anymore updates.

My thoughts: (it not just about supporting writer, is it about sustaining the platform) (Medium just bio hack their earning growth in a way, I am also assuming they company is going public soon?)

3X the Cost to give 4X earning to writers, yet most likely 2X+ earning increase for the Friends of Medium. (if you are on reader mode you will read more, if you are on writer mode you will write and engage more)

Info. From Medium Become a Friend of Medium Page

Mr. Plan ₿ and many other experience it first hand.

This actually fits into the engagement strategy that I’m currently using.

Each person has limited amount of time to read. (I don’t see anyone would read more than they can by just joining Friends, which will average out overtime and I see it as a smart move of getting Win Win Win case)

Win 1: readers give more and also gets more traction

Win 2: writer received 4x earning.

Win 3: platform gets an earning boost over time.

And yes the “Share member-only stories with anyone and drive more earnings for writers” is a big plus as well.

The Cost of the plan is actually irrelevant to those who are already in consistency phase.

Did you see the points? if you agree or not? and if you are already a Friend of Medium, what are your thoughts?

Thanks for reading.

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After writing this post, I realize something else that needs to be add-on, so I have to share the link of that post here.

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