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Why “Done” is often better than “Perfect” for success?

The Power of Trials and Progress!

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Life can feel like a fast maze, where aiming for perfection can slow us down. But there’s a new idea that might change our minds: “finished is better than perfect.” Let’s see why this thought could make a difference.

1. Learning and Growing Faster

Why take the slow route to perfection when we could zoom toward success? Following “finished” can speed up learning and push us forward. Gathering advice quickly can help us improve.

Think about how smart companies use simple early versions of their ideas to get better with feedback.

2. Beating Procrastination

Instead of thinking too much and delaying things, let’s complete tasks.

When we finish, we feel good and more confident. This makes it easier to tackle bigger challenges.

3. Being Creative

We don’t need to be perfect to be creative. Sometimes, when we let go of needing to be perfect, we might have fun ideas.

Even famous inventors like Edison had lots of experiments that didn’t work before they found great ideas. So, it’s okay to make mistakes when we try new stuff.

4. Adapting to Change

The world changes a lot, so being flexible is useful. Instead of trying to be perfect, we can finish things and quickly adjust to changes. This helps us stay on track even when things around us are shifting.

5. Getting Things Done Efficiently

Instead of spending too much time making things perfect, let’s focus on finishing things the smart way. This can help us balance work and other parts of life. Imagine being like a skilled musician, making valuable stuff and staying connected with others.

Conclusion: Progress Over Perfection

Remember, finishing and improving is better than aiming for perfection. It’s okay to make mistakes — they can help us get better. With the idea that “finished is better than perfect,” we can learn faster, beat procrastination, be creative, adapt to changes, and get more done!

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