avatarSuraj Jha


Why Choosing a Niche is Crucial for Medium Writers?

It’s not entirely wrong to create content about something you like, but it may not work for the long term.

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Every niche has its pros and cons, and many writers and freelancers prefer to create content aligned with their interests. The question arises: is it worth it for them?

Choosing a niche is subjective and depends largely on the interests of readers. It is the key factor to consider before making a decision.

Recently, I studied 100+ Medium accounts, and here is what I found: only 5–7% of them stick to a particular niche, while the rest simply write what they believe works.

Why it is necessary to Choose a niche?

It’s not entirely wrong to create content about something you like, but it may not work for the long term.

For instance, if you create content on psychology and gain tons of views and subscribers, and then switch to creating content on business that also performs well, you might receive lots of views and subscribers again.

However, the problem lies in failing to build a trustworthy and niche-oriented audience.

Below, I’m going to discuss some points that highlight the necessity of choosing a niche

  1. When you stick to a particular niche, it helps you gain a target audience that has an interest in that subject.
  2. Audience engagement is one of the key factors in boosting the reach of any Medium story. When you create content only in a particular niche, it’s more likely to receive greater audience engagement than before.
  3. There are also some SEO benefits; niche-focused content works well in search engine result pages.
  4. It will also help you build expertise and authority in a specific area

Building a relationship between the reader and the writer is also possible when you focus on a particular niche. I hope you understand the importance of choosing a niche

How to Choose a Niche for Medium?

Before diving into this, let’s take a look at some stats on Medium’s top categories distribution, and top topics.

  1. Programming and Developer Software 41.94%
  2. Computer Electronics and Technology 13.95%
  3. Investing 4.24%
  4. Search Engine 4.1%
  5. Finance 3.72%
  6. Other 32.04%

Clearly, ‘Programming and Developer Software’ has the highest percentage among all the categories. This data indicates that it is the niche with the greatest audience interest.

Greater audience interest also means high competition, but we don’t have to worry about that. Once we know which niche has the highest potential, then we can find the sub-niches.

If you are a tech enthusiast, you should target the following mentioned micro-niches to get early results.

Programming Niches

  1. Language-Specific Content
  2. Web Development
  3. Mobile App Development
  4. Data Science and Analytics
  5. Game Development
  6. DevOps and Automation
  7. Cloud Computing

Developer Software Niches

  1. IDEs and Text Editors
  2. Version Control Systems
  3. Testing and QA Tools
  4. Containerization and Orchestration
  5. Database Management
  6. API Development
  7. Security in Development

There are other niches that you can also cover, such “Computer Electronics and Technology”, “Investing”, “Search Engines”, “Finance” and others.

These are some of the most popular niches that readers engage with daily. But there is one more multi-niche strategy that can work for you.

The ‘news’ topic is also the most popular and profitable niche because it breaks the barrier of interested audiences. Everyone reads the news, whether you come from IT, are a worker, a businessman, or a student.

News is an evergreen topic that covers relevant information from all niches. If you are confused about choosing a niche, then news is the best option for you


Before choosing any niche, make sure to have knowledge and interest in it. I have seen many cases where people choose a niche that they won’t sustain for the long term and, unfortunately, fail.

Instead of creating content on random topics, choose a niche that you are interested in, gain knowledge, and then share it with your valuable readers.

I hope my content works for you and enlightens your path to choosing an ideal niche for you. If you have anything valuable to share, don’t forget to put it in the comment box

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