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The website content is an autobiographical essay by an individual who is a non-binary, gay writer, currently studying English at a community college, with interests in writing, reading, watching movies and television, listening to music, and hiking, and who uses writing as a means of self-expression and coping with personal challenges.


The author of the web content reflects on their upbringing in the Bay Area, where they were homeschooled and enjoyed a stable and loving family environment. They discuss the pros and cons of homeschooling, highlighting the freedom it gave them to pursue their passions in reading and writing, which have shaped their current love for storytelling. Despite some social challenges, such as making friends, the author has maintained close relationships with a few individuals. They are currently studying English and use writing as a therapeutic outlet to navigate their identity as a gay and non-binary person in a religious household, as well as to manage their generalized anxiety and depression. The author's writings cover a range of topics including books, the craft of writing, and LGBTQIA+ issues, with the intent to help others and express themselves. They invite readers to explore their work through various articles and follow them on social media.


  • The author values the opportunity to pursue personal interests that homeschooling provided, which they believe was instrumental in their love for writing.
  • They express gratitude for not being bullied due to their non-conformity to traditional gender expectations, which they attribute to being homeschooled.
  • The author feels that their lack of social experience from homeschooling has impacted their ability to make friends.
  • Writing is described as the author's primary means of self-expression and a way to cope with the challenges of their identity and mental health issues.
  • They have a broad range of interests in entertainment, including fantasy books, a variety of movie and TV genres, folk and acoustic music, and hiking.
  • The author is committed to using their writing to help others, particularly within the LGBTQIA+ community, while also acknowledging that writing is a personal necessity for their well-being.

About Me

Photo by me

I grew up in the bay area, in the same house I live in now; I am living at home through college. I was born into a loving family and had the all too uncommon experience of a stable childhood. This is not to say that I had an average childhood. I was homeschooled through high school, never stepping foot in a public school until college, something I am greatly torn over.

The benefit of being homeschooled showed itself in numerous ways. I had more time to dedicate to my passions, allowing me more time to read and write, something I consider instrumental in my current love for writing. I also was not bullied for not fitting into typically masculine expectations — I hate sports and cars and love cute movies and animals, something that would have been far from popular given I’m AMAB — for which I am thankful.

It did have its drawbacks too, mostly in the form of a lack of friends. I had a few friends, but never many. I believe I am, to this day, unable to make friendships because of a lack of experience. Today I only have two close friends. I care for them deeply, but it is frustrating when I am unable to find anyone to do something with.

I am currently attending community college where I am currently studying English.

What do I do in my spare time?

In my personal time, apart from writing, I enjoy:

  • Reading: Fantasy especially, but I also enjoy biographies, non-fiction, and comedies. Anything by Neil Gaiman is definitely on my list of favorites. I also enjoy reading the news as well as articles by other writers.
  • Watching movies and television: I love a good story, regardless of the medium. The list of genres I enjoy is too long to list here but includes fantasy, sci-fi, and drama.
  • Music: I listen primarily to folk, acoustic, and baroque. My favorite artists include Sufjan Stevens, Bon Iver, and Joanna Newsom.
  • Hiking: I love the outdoors. I have often thought fondly of the idea of living off the grid in a small log cabin. That will never happen — I’m not that much of a hermit — but it’s a nice dream.

What Do I Write About?

I write about a variety of topics that interest me, but the primary categories I write about are:

  • Books
  • Writing Itself
  • LGBTQIA+ Topics

Where am I headed?

As I mentioned above, I am currently studying English at community college and am pursuing a bachelor’s degree.

I suffer from generalized anxiety and depression which take a great toll on my day to day life. This, paired with being gay and non-binary in a religious household not known for its acceptance lead to writing being the best way I have to express myself. I write for myself; I write to express myself; I write to better myself. I do want to pursue writing to help others first and foremost, but historically, writing has been my saving grace.

If you would like to see more of my writing, check out these stories:

An article on my favorite show, it goes into the production choices and why they work so well:

This looks at why, I believe, some players are leaving “Animal Crossing: New Horizons” behind:

A look at a couple of ways to get out of the house during the shelter in place:

In Closing

I hope you have found this article insightful. If you did, I believe my other work is of a higher quality. I find it hard to discuss myself so this was a hard piece to write. Regardless, I hope you find my other work useful and interesting. Thank you for reading!

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