avatarMuhammad Zunair


Who Am I?

Photo by Quinn Buffing on Unsplash

Often lovable, Rarely loathsome. A sinful preacher, His beloved creature.

A dream, Beyond reality? Demanding, like a riddle? Confusing, like a maze? No, I’m not you.

Ambivalent, like emotions. Deep, like oceans. Vague and uncertain, Sometimes flashy, Bright and blue. Burdened with ideas, I’m one of the few.

Born with a dream, of conquering castles, and reigning supreme. Though, it was tough. Didn’t have the spine, So, I gave up. Dejected and lost, It felt like enough.

But He had plans, better than mine. Lifted my spirits, He made me shine. Unthankful, as I was, I suffered again. ‘Life doesn’t give second chances’, I learned it, As I feigned.

I learned my lesson, At last. ‘Victory is for those, Who remain steadfast.’ Naive and askew, Little did I know. With courage and persistence, Dreams do come true.

So, Who am I? A poet’s dream? A warriors’ scream? A conquer’s esteem? For me, I’m no one, none of the above. I’m just me, the warmth of love.

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