avatarLucy Felicitas


Who Am I? — And What Kind Of A Writer I Am Today

My personal introduction to Medium and Illumination as well as my journey to and through writing.

Photo from my personal collection. All the rights reserved.

Who Am I?

My name’s Lucy, formally Lucia, I was born in Slovakia (the country that keeps ‘a’ or ‘ova’ at the end of every feminine noun or adjective) and I am settled in London now for a few years. I work as an HR Consultant and Transformation Coach as I soon realized that my vocation lies in ‘being of service to others’ by helping them to find themselves, through discovering the true power that lies within us and enables us to pursue big things in life — our passions, dreams and deep desires going as far as to fulfilling our life purpose.

I recently turned 30 and I am a fire sign. Which means that I am an active, action-oriented but also dreamy and philosophical individual. Passionate about endless learning, self-improvement, our collective evolution, mindfulness, meaningful conversations and knowledge within subjects such as psychology, philosophy and the concepts of a meaning of life, astrology, nature or biology. Not to forget, the arts and creativity are a big part of me — beyond writing, I do paint (realistic and abstract acrylics or watercolour paintings), draw — therapeutical spiral drawings and sacred geometry, and engage in creating ‘art to be eaten’ through cooking and baking.

I am a person of the 21st century, and although I know I can mend in easily, I often feel that I don’t quite belong. I find myself engrossed in deep topics and the time flies too fast for me, things change faster than I can catch up on them all. And sometimes I don’t even try. I take longer to grasp them, longer to learn, I contemplate life and enjoy it for longer. I prefer silence to music, tranquillity to motion and nature to buzzing man-made technology.

But deep down I know I am more than the person I described above. More than a writer, dreamer, a part-time painter, a cook or a coach.

Beyond the surface, I am not one, but a hundred of millions of independent organisms functioning synchronistitcally and on their own like planets and universes to make the whole — the ‘one’.

I am a universe on its own. With billions of independent and perfectly synchronized cells and organs that are working in a unique way (just as the whole universe does) and power my heart, give my lungs enough oxygen so that I can breathe, and transfer it to my whole body so it functions correctly.

Photo by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash

This inner intelligence allows me to connect the information in my brain in a way that I can think this particular thought, and even say it out loud, while also using my fingers to write it as a sentence on the screen in front of me. At the same time, I am thinking another tens of thoughts while sitting at peace, but my body is in a constant motion looking after hundreds of automized processes and operations every second that enable me to — independently breath, digest the food I had, with a non-stop (perfect) heartbeat and my senses such as my ears, nose and eyes just observe the whole process on the outside and the beauty of the garden where I am working from now.

And beyond this ‘biological’ outlook, there’s even more to who I am. On the level of the soul. My soul that is experiencing its unique story of evolution (through joys and sorrows, victories and falls) on this planet in this lifetime of mine. A soul that feels old and that is a part of something huge and endless — the invisible universe on the inside in its energetic form with its perfection.

I trust that it’s my soul that ignited my passion through intuition which now powers my writing.

How did I start writing?

So, I used to write since being a child, I can’t really recall what age I was as I was writing since I learned writing. And I was writing as a dreamer and an observer. To share my perspective, dream-world, outlook and experiences. I used to journal a lot. But then, something happened and my writing stopped.

Well, what happened was that I was different than most of the people around me and they were making it quite obvious. And I allowed that to implant limitations about myself within me, a part of which was that I am not enough to think, feel and write as I think or feel. It, actually, went way beyond this as I started thinking that I am also not enough to just be myself.

Photo by Caroline Hernandez on Unsplash

But luckily, I experienced the transformational journey back to my roots, to my true self (in the past few years) when I understood where this went wrong and how, I recognized myself and healed. As well as, I started re-couping all my past passions, interests and talents together. A significant one was writing.

Why do I write today?

I write because I feel so deeply within me that I should that there really is no other way than to write.

I write because the inspiration comes from within me so easily. And because I’ve got so much to say and share.

I write about what I feel, think and know. What I experienced and learned from. About how and where I failed. About what talks to me and excites me.

Writing is a part of my life purpose. It is my way to express myself and it also is a unique language of my soul.

I write because it’s therapeutical and healing. I love the fact that writing is cathartic — helps us to process emotions, things and events in our lives and even understand them better, accept them or find a deeper meaning behind them in the process as we contemplate them deeply.

I write because I can lose myself in it completely for what feels like minutes but we consider to be hours. (I could talk a lot about the concept of time.)

And I also write as I write when I feel that I should write.

When I joined Medium and started reading about how it works over here or how I should write, I thought that ‘’I am a different kind of a writer.’’

I mean, I am not a kind of a person who gets up in the morning, puts on a laptop and starts writing because I should write something. I am the kind of a person who gets up in a morning and if there’s an idea — a concept playing on my mind, then I can’t wait to start typing. I even skip the coffee and breakfast to get straight to it as the passion and drive to get those thoughts out on a ‘paper’ is more important to me than eating. (And I am a big foodie!)

Photo of my favourite tomato, bean and garlic spaghetti. All the rights reserved.

I write because writing is my food.

I write when there’s an inspiration. And I consider every idea that keeps dancing on my mind for a while a valuable inspiration.

I wouldn’t write freely and be truly myself (as creative as that is) if writing was an obligation rather than joy. When it’d be a ‘have to’, or because I ‘should’ write something every day. I write when it feels right.

I write because I am getting to know myself more through writing. I am getting to know my voice better and the louder it speaks, the deeper I know I’ve gone. And the journey of going there is magical and exciting.

I know I am myself fully and completely when I write. And that is what got me started and what keeps me going.

Not to forget that I also write because the experience I’ve had up till today of connecting with other amazing — talented, smart, intuitive and inspiring writers is way beyond my initial expectations!

Here’s a list of a few writers I appreciate and connecting with whom has been a great pleasure. Tom Kuegler, my first inspiration on Medium — you helped me a lot and I am still learning more from you! Livia Dabs, your lovely personal connection — welcoming me to Illumination meant a lot. Mika Y., I am glad I came across your unique voice. As I shared before, you have so much knowledge and it inspires me to see how well you opened your creative channel already! Sergey Faldin, similarily, it’s been a pleasure to connect and know more about you and even become a part of your two incredible publications! Excited to keep contributing. Thank you all!

Why do I write for Illumination?

Well, this one is interesting.

I joined Illumination shortly after I joined Medium. One, because I came across Illumination naturally as some of the writers whose writing I liked I found to be connected to Illumination as contributors, such as Aurora Eliam, CMP or George J. Ziogas. And second, which is a bit symbolic, the meaning behind my name is ‘the light’, and I write to illuminate, both myself and the reader. So choosing Illumination really was more of an obvious choice.

I continue to write for Illumination because I feel the freedom to write as I do. Illumination gives me a feeling of freedom and safety. A freedom to share what I feel and a safety to hold my thoughts within this space full of diversity, respect and acceptance. So, here I’d like to also thank Dr Mehmet Yildiz for creating and holding such a space. A sacred space for any writer.

So this is my little introduction as well as an intro into what fuels my writing.

I hope you enjoyed reading and I am looking forward to connecting with you on the future pages as well.

Much love,


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