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The poem "Who Am I? A Soulful Journey Through Identity In A Global World" explores the complexities of identity and belonging in a globalized world.


The poem "Who Am I?


Who Am I? A Soulful Journey Through Identity In A Global World

Dive into the poetic seas of self-discovery and cultural exploration as we navigate our complex identities in today’s borderless world. Click to read more and leave changed.

By C.J Coop from Midjourney

Identity — The Quest For Home In A Homeless World

Where I’m from, the skies wear grey Yet here I stand, in sunshine’s ray A thousand miles from native soil Adorned in foreign styles, embroiled

In dialects that twist my tongue In customs, strange, that come undone And yet they stick, like age-old glue Replacing parts of what I knew

I am the sprout in foreign land Who can’t forget its mother’s hand The roots do yearn for days gone by Yet seek to grow, not asking why

The compass of my heart’s desire Shifts between a moth and fire Drawn to flickers old and new The inner clash I can’t undo

Do I pretend, or have I grown? Am I lost or have I known? The masks I wear, to fit the part Confuse the chambers of my heart

I laugh a joke, in accents two Each jest a slice of what is true I wonder then, as laughter fades Which part’s the act, which part stays?

I bridge two worlds in me, I find Yet feel sometimes I’ve been confined For each bridge built, a wall may rise Separating skies from skies

In neither place, I’m wholly seen The loneliness of in-between Yet in this space, I also find A chance to forge a unique kind

Under myriad stars, I look above A sky shared by all I dearly love Whether they’re near or far away The same celestial tapestry we survey

But we see shapes of differing lore Galaxies of identity, evermore The constellation of who I am Is both the sheep and the sacrificial lamb

The universe, it stretches wide A canvas where my souls reside Both old and new, they claim a space In the portrait of my intricate face

I carry within an eternal flame Fueled by lands that have no name It warms me up when I feel cold A fire made from stories told

In the grand scheme, I’m just a speck A fleeting moment on destiny’s trek But oh, how each minuscule part Contributes to the ocean that is my heart

Sadness, joy, in vivid hue Paint my essence, old and new Do they clash? Or do they blend? A masterpiece, I still defend

In this journey, I’m not alone Others too have seeds that’ve grown In lands they’ve chosen, or where they fell In stories only they can tell

So here I am, both false and true A spectrum, neither just one hue A quest that’s fraught, yet also grand To finally, truly, understand

C.J. Coop © 2023. All rights reserved.

Authors insight

Poetic musings of a wandering soul, forever caught in the liminal space between two worlds! “Identity — The Quest For Home In A Homeless World” is a tapestry woven with threads of nostalgia, confusion, and the ceaseless yearning for belonging.

It’s like that moment when you’re at a party, and you don’t know whether to hang out by the snack table or join the dance floor. You’re torn, right? Well, imagine that, but on a cosmic scale.

So, why did I write this? To explore the labyrinthine corridors of identity, where each turn reveals a new facet of who you are or could be. It’s a bit like dating two people simultaneously: exhilarating but oh-so-complicated.

Do you ever feel like you’re wearing a mask, or perhaps several, just to fit into different parts of your life? Ah, the eternal question: Who are we? Where do we belong? And can we ever truly find a home when home is an ever-shifting concept?

End Note:

The journey within is often the hardest but also the most rewarding. If this continuation of our poetic dive into identity resonated with you, please do clap👏, share📤, follow👤 and leave your thoughts below. It’s your engagement that fuels this soul-searching voyage. Eager for more? Stay tuned for my upcoming pieces that promise to stir the depths of your being.

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