avatarAmmara Hassan


The author reflects on their life journey, from childhood to motherhood, and the rapid passage of time.


The author reminisces about their life journey, starting from their carefree childhood days filled with games and laughter. They recall their school and university days, which were marked by growth, friendships, and self-discovery. The author also fondly remembers their cousin's laughter-filled hangouts during vacations. The author's life took an unexpected turn when they got married at a young age, but they managed to complete their education and navigate married life. Now a mother, the author marvels at the speed with which time has passed and cherishes the moments spent with their child. The author has paused their career to be

Whispering Memories of My Life: How Time Flies By

My life journey

Photo by Mrika Selimi on Unsplash

Wandering through the twists and turns of my memories, I find myself leisurely strolling back to the days when time seemed to have a leisurely pace. I was just a carefree kid, lost in wonder. It's almost as if it happened just yesterday – those were the times of games, laughter echoing through the air, and a multitude of endless adventures.

Journey Through School Days

Then came school – that very first day with a backpack almost as big as me, stepping into a whole new world. Over the years, there were ups and downs, but there was an abundance of joy. From school to college, it unfolded like a captivating story of growth, making friends, and discovering who I truly was. Those were the days, you know? I can still feel the excitement and the flutter of nerves.

Canvas of University Life

University days unfolded, bringing a mix of exploration and joy. Nights stretched into late study sessions, fueled by passionate discussions and the thrill of independence. It was like a painting, where each moment delicately brushed a new experience onto the canvas of my life. Truly, it was a wonderful time.

Echoes of Cousin’s Laughter

Recollections take me back to the days of visiting my cousin’s place during vacations. Our hangouts together and those nights filled with boundless joy, conversations flowing endlessly, and laughter bubbling up without any discernible reason. Oh, how I miss those cherished moments.

Marriage Journey Surprise

And then, life took an unexpected turn – I found myself tying the knot at a young age, right in the midst of my studies. Surprisingly, I managed to complete my education after taking those vows. Suddenly, life became a collaboration of shared dreams and facing challenges together. Despite time passing, it still feels like the wedding happened just a few days ago. Moments slipped away swiftly, leaving shared experiences and promises exchanged in soft whispers.

The Symphony of Motherhood

Look at me now – a mom navigating this whirlwind journey. The speed with which time moves is astounding. In the gentle hum of lullabies and the hushed stillness of sleepless nights, I blinked, and my little one transformed from a tiny bundle into a 5-year-old. Motherhood, a captivating adventure, craves attention and love in every heartbeat.

Balancing Act on Life’s Tightrope

I chose to pause my career for my boy, immersing myself in those invaluable moments. The thought of entrusting him to a nanny or daycare didn't sit well with me.

Now, as I dip my toes into the waters of writing, it’s a delightful journey and I am enjoying it. Navigating this path, relishing each step, all the while maintaining balance between my child, husband, and home – it’s a juggling act, one I’ve wholeheartedly embraced, and it feels incredibly rewarding.

Melodic Memories Symphony

Looking back, it's a blend of childhood giggles, the pursuit of knowledge, the taste of independence, and the sweet chaos of parenthood. Yet, it feels like the years rushed past, leaving me pondering how it all unfolded so rapidly.

Life, as it turns out, is a fleeting melody – a song made up of moments we must hold onto tightly. It’s about cherishing those we love, finding joy in the simplest things, and immersing ourselves in the present. In the gentle hum of memories, we not only uncover our past but also the very essence of who we are – wrapped in the warmth of moments that hurriedly passed by, leaving memories that stick around, like a favorite old song playing through the story of our lives.

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