avatarGill McCulloch



Where I’m From

A poem

Photo by Pixabay

I am from soothing waves washing over pebbles From baby oil and Brylcreem I am from stained glass lamps, ticking clocks and books in every room Clean, safe and warm I am from a flower-filled garden with shrubs and trees guarded each year from Dad’s overzealous pruning And yellow budding forsythia twigs in cardboard tubes mailed to loved ones far away

I am from Ken and Miek, a doctor, nurse and teacher From coconut-scented pipe smoke, salty black licorice and the tangy, billowing fragrance of marmalade on the stove I am from Sunday lunches with our family of five Mum’s delicious cooking and Dad’s lectures and projects “Girls, your task for the afternoon is — "

I am from “There’s always a silver lining,” and “Put your shoulder to the wheel” I am from cold, empty church pews and joyless Sunday school And counting the minutes until Mum’s roast lunch I am from Brighton, England and Holland From the Wardens and Vinks And apple crumble with lashings of whipping cream “to take the roughness off”

I’m from a mum who taught three daughters to thread the sewing machine and transform straight jeans into drainpipes And from a dad who drove our ancient VW Crumpleface along scenic routes to windy Scottish campsites I am from photos in albums and shoeboxes and scrapbooks waiting to be filled With precious memories of our family’s life Ordinary to others but treasured by me

Thanks to Debra G. Harman, MEd., for introducing me to George Ella Lyon’s poetry and prompting me to write my own version of her poem, Where I’m From.

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