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When you Sit Down in the Evening with a drink in your hand, Do you ever Wonder, “ Does any of this Matter?”

Stuff doesn’t matter at all

Photo by cottonbro: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-in-white-crew-neck-shirt-4065136/

I was lying on the sofa, I was about to go to bed that morning when the process server knocked on the door of my trailer. I had twenty-four hours to vacate the home I had for the past six years.

I called off from work, then I packed what I could onto the bed of my pickup and went to stay with the blond. When I went to work the next night, The Field Supervisor stopped by to see if I had made it to work.

He asked me how it went, I told him I got it done. We talked a little more, then I asked him, “ has it ever happened to you?” He said that it had, then he said something that rang true to me.

“It crystalizes what is most important to you”

“ It crystallizes what is most important to you.” I thought about what he said a lot over the years since the eviction and for almost three years I was homeless.

The day that I left my trailer, I left most of my stuff behind. The bed of the pickup was full, but I lost that when I left for Minneapolis.

What wasn’t replaced got upgraded

I thought I had lost everything, but what did I lose? I lost stuff. The funny thing? I replaced everything. I hope I never am homeless again, but if it happens, I know what I will do.

I will walk away from everything. I will never again try to hold on to stuff. I’m not a Minimalist, I like my stuff, but I understand now that things don’t matter.

Friendships and family, that’s what matters

Relationships matter. Having peace in your heart matters, and having as little strife in your life matters. Stuff doesn’t matter at all.

I’m not saying I won’t feel bad, I will. Even more, now that I have a wife to take care of, I never again will beat myself up over losing stuff.

Stuff isn’t important. Loving and having friends and people that care about you are what matters. I knew this on a superficial level, but it took almost three years of homelessness to make me understand.

Final Thought:

Enjoy the stuff you worked hard for, there is nothing wrong with that. Keep in mind though, it could be all gone in a moment. Love your family, be a good friend and help people.

Relationships are what matters, stuff is transitory. Work on your relationships as hard as you work to get stuff.

Life Lessons
Friendships Matters
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