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When Men Rise in Status Their Sexual Partner Alternatives Increase! When Women Rise in Status — Not So Much!

Why is that?

Leeloo Thefirst (pexels.com)

Humans are herd animals!

That we humans are all herd animals deep down reflects clearly in the fact that we strive to get to the top of the herd. To reach the highest status. And the way we do that in our modern society is not primarily to fight with each other.

It is rather to be successful in the sense that a lot of people know about us as high performers. The most common way to achieve that is through the gathering of financial wealth.

That is what we men are very preoccupied with. Still more so than women I would say.

And we can get clues as to why that is the case if we return to observe the primitive behavior of herd animals once again.

So to be able to mate, to get access to the females of the herd, the males need to fight other males for the leadership of the herd. The winning male can choose among the females of the herd. And the females of course want to be selected by the male at the top.

For males not winning, and for females not being selected, it is not going to be easy to mate. Maybe they can still achieve it in an unsolicited manner — without the approval of the leader of the herd, the alpha male. But it is not the preferred choice.

How does our herd animal background translate to modern society?

Nishant Aneja (pexels.com)

Well, it is obvious that many of our animalistic backgrounds still leave a footprint on how today’s human society works. Of course, if we go back in history, we see that the primitive footprint was even clearer in earlier generations.

Traditionally it was the man who worked, that fought a battle with other men to hopefully come out on top, to be first in line to get the big rewards — to feed in the herd.

And women all wanted to be with this successful man — because being with him would lead to two big benefits;

His genes were likely high quality which would result in high quality children, who also were likely to succeed. And due to his success, the man would also be likely to successfully protect and provide for his family.

Over time society has evolved so that these primitive motivations are not as clear today as they used to be. Women have joined the labor force no longer being dependent on men to provide for them. And generally, the policy of the day is to erase as much as possible of the difference between man and woman in terms of how we live our lives.

Women have moved towards the manly pursuit of competing for higher status.

Leonardo Moncao (pexels.com)

So society has developed in a fashion that makes women take over more and more of man’s traditional role of being the one striving for material rewards and high status. Whereas women’s traditional role of being the caretaker of the family has been transferred to some extent to men.

Generally, the difference between man and woman has diminished in our culture, now even reaching the extreme and absurd level where politicians seriously argue that there is no difference between the sexes, where what sex one is is simply a matter of choice.

The issue is this for women;

Women tend to mate upwards in the hierarchy, whereas tend to mate downwards. Again an echo of the primitive order amongst herd animals.

So when women move upwards in stature their group of possible mates diminish — there are fewer men to choose from as there are fewer men that are placed higher in the hierarchy than themselves.

Whereas if a man makes a good career for himself there will be more women available to choose from.

I am sure this is an interesting effect that may be surprising to some women making big careers for themselves.

Society is moving away from the traditional family unit — the long-term effects are hazardous

Anna Shvets (pexels.com)

Society has and is moving towards lessening the difference between men and women. So that women behave more like men in many respects. Men are not thrilled by this — and women may not be as well. Mostly what it does is that the traditional family unit is in jeopardy of being eradicated.

And the family is of course what makes up the smallest unit of civilized society — without it, there will be no civilization. So the question is if society is on the right track — why are we currently so focused on negating the traditionally and biologically based separate roles of men and women?

Do you feel society and feminism are on the right track with regard to the roles of men and women now and in the future?

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