avatarA Nkeonye Judith Izuka-Aguocha


When Low Back Pain Shows Up and Reorders Your Life

Many times, ill health does not ask your permission

Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

How It all began

About 3 weeks ago, I was bending over, helping my nieces sort out their laundry, and developed lower back pain. I had not experienced this kind of pain in a very long time. I had spent a significant time touting the absence of pain in my life in relation to my daily intake of anti-inflammatory foods.

So this one took me completely by surprise. It was also very inconvenient. I just started my vacation and had a long way to go then viola. I received this providential gift.

I still had lots of people and places to visit, but with the pain, I started dreading the commute of traveling from one destination to another.

Living with the pain

I also could not study. Yes, this was a trip for bonding, but I also hoped to chip in more study time. Depending on how much ground I covered, I could write my board exams after the vacation. Well, with the pain, I couldn’t study effectively. Prolonged sitting aggravates low back pain.

I hadn’t stopped my green veggies and colored fruits. I just ate more frequently. I still exercised, but not as much as I previously used to. The result: increased belly fat. Abdominal fat puts extra weight on the spine.

Yes, I am a physician, but I have some aversion to medication. I only use medicines when I have no choice. So, I lived with the inconvenience. I knew wrong posturing had a lot to do with it and tried to find a way around that.

Somewhere along the way, I started using hot water bottles and massages. It kinda helped, but the pain never quite disappeared. By the end of my vacation, I had some respite, but my joy was short-lived.

I have a habit of rummaging through my storage. One day, I was doing just that and the pain returned in full force. I started to curse and swear. This time around, I visited the family physician.

I requested imaging which he declined, saying that most times, muscular strains caused this sort of pain. These strains wouldn’t show up on X-rays. If he obliged me, I would end up with useless radiation in my body. I agreed to just take meds. We also agreed to revisit imaging only if the pain was still present in a month.

My life became kinda hellish. I couldn’t sleep except on my stomach. Of course, I could not bend. If I laughed or coughed or sneezed, my back would ache. The worst of it all was I could not study effectively. It was as if my back said: “take a break.” I did not need that break, but then, to study for long hours, I needed to sit my ass down. There was no ass to sit down with.

Just before this whole saga, I recently began doing long hours at the library. Those sessions were good. Unfortunately, the library had no standing tables. Besides, my exam is almost 5 hours long. I am not sure if they have any accommodation for people with low back pain.

My life now

I did not take time off work. The option of staying home in limited positions was not appealing. It would only aggravate the pain. I preferred going to the office cos I knew I could alternate between sitting, standing, squatting, and walking.

My study sessions now average an hour to two with frequent interruptions. That’s the best I can do with this providential gift I have received. My life’s now no bending, no spine twists, no heavy lifting, less sitting, more squatting, and more walks. I had to opt for taxis cos their commutes are much shorter than the buses. As a bonus, I have fallen in love with the office chair. That’s one seat that can cradle my ass without asking for much in return.

Thanks to Jason Edmunds.

Womens Health
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